validate.GIF (2696 bytes) EXAMPLES

A suggested scenario for using the VALIDATE data is as follows:

  1. Identify one or two areas where you want to improve.
  2. Use the Diagnostic Guidebook to identify significant best practices.
  3. Obtain context by reviewing the original source.
  4. Establish an improvement plan.
  5. Collect metrics before you implement.
  6. Introduce change.
  7. Monitor results.

The following examples are taken from the Diagnostic Guidebook.

Example 1

Objective: Reduce the number of complaints from procured systems
Best Practices: Control requirements
Pay suppliers only upon delivery
Have operational staff participate in procurement process
Select team members based on skill profiles
Document procurement milestones
Use third parties to support decision-making
Include training requirements in procurement plan
Require demonstrations and proof of performance
Establish a key supplier list
Use open systems standards

Example 2

Objective: Improve team cooperation
Best Practices: Establish procedures to control requirements
Establish formal contract change procedures
Use a scoring system for supplier selection
Put in place a problem tracking system
Reward identification of risk
Identify training requirements for procurement team
Schedule periodic review with suppliers
Establish multiple levels of supplier communication

Example 3

Objective: Reduce systems costs
Best Practices: Establish modelling of user needs
Establish a single authority for supplier acceptance
Put in place contract change management procedures
Have operational staff participate on procurement teams
Utilize external consultants to evaluate supplier solutions
Procurement process includes risk management activities
Utilize stepwise introduction of new systems
Identify system management resources in plan

Example 4

Objective: Reduce total effort required for procurements
Best Practices: Establish procurement program goals
Put in place regular contacts with strategic suppliers
Establish procedures to control requirements
Analyze procurement failures
Document issue resolutions with suppliers
Plan evaluations of supplier deliverables
Require detailed tests plan from suppliers

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