validate.GIF (2696 bytes) CONCLUSIONS

The top ten best practices are as follows. They have been ranked based on the number of improvement areas they are associated with.

1 Identify and include training requirements in RFP 27
2 Analyze procurement failures 23
3 Acceptance criteria defined in contract 22
4 Require a configuration management plan 21
5 Establish a core usable system first 19
6 Require proof of supplier’s capabilities 18
7 Procurement procedures include risk management 17
8 Supplier payments only on delivery 15
9 Operational staff participate on procurement teams 14
10 Detailed tests plan exists 14

There were some surprising results. Some practices were mentioned frequently in procurement literature, but were associated with bad projects in the VALIDATE analysis; for example, they caused extra cost.

The following practices have been ranked based on the number of areas on which they had a negative impact:

User needs are documented -23
Give preference to COTS (commercial) products -18
Benchmark existing systems before new purchase -15
Utilize external resources for quality review -8
Supplier is aware of selection criteria -7
Use cross-functional procurement teams -6

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