The PULSE project delivers a complete formal methodology for assessing procurement processes that will allow organizations to measure the sophistication of their own procurement processes and to identify areas for improvement. The methodology is based on the best practices collected within the VALIDATE project but goes further by defining a standardized methodology for measuring the capabilities of procurement organizations.

Reference Model

The PULSE Reference Model is a formal model that is generalized and applicable across a wide range of IT applications and industries for describing the IT procurement process, consistent with emerging ISO standards.

Download the PULSE Reference Model in PDF format.

Assessment Method

The Assessment Method describes how to assess each process described in the Reference Model.

This document is only available as part of the PULSE Kit.

Assessment Tools

The Assessment Tools are a set of supporting tools and guides to assist users in conducting formal assessments of their procurement processes and to compare their results with national or industry averages and "best of breed". These include:

Download the Assessment Tool.

Training Curriculum

The PULSE project defines a Training Curriculum for a three-day training course to teach assessors how to apply the PULSE methodology.

Certification Scheme

The PULSE project defines a Certification Scheme to enable assessors to be certified to conduct procurement process assessments using the PULSE methodology.


A packaged kit delivering the complete PULSE methodology with all supporting materials which can be licensed by both user organizations and consultants wanting to provide assessment services.

Apply to license a PULSE Kit.

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