Meeting Report
Objective of Meeting
The objective of the meeting was to review the status of the
activities of the forum and agree a work plan for 2003.
The major achievement of the Messaging Forum in 2002 was the
completion of the Secure Messaging Challenge and the associated Toolkit.
This meeting started with a "State of the Forum" address
from Dean Richardson, Forum Chair and proceeded with a short examination
of each of the potential areas of work for 2003.
Secure Messaging Challenge
- Work was started on a Managers Guide to Secure Messaging, which
will provide a business complement to the more technical toolkit.
Russ Chung agreed to produce the first draft of the guide in time
for the Austin meeting
- Stephan Wappler presented a number of proposals under the generic
title of the "Virtual Post Office" which would address one
current restriction of the Secure Messaging Toolkit and allow
incoming encrypted messages to be filtered for Spam and viruses at
the boundary of the enterprise
- A plan was established to broaden the use of the Secure Messaging
Toolkit through the use of more workshops.
Managing Spam
- Dale Johnson brought forward the first draft of a paper describing
Spam and some of the approaches that can be used to manage it. This
paper will be extended and further developed as a result of the this
meeting. A further draft will be completed in time for the April
- Dean Richardson identified an opportunity to discourage Spam by
encouraging people to take legal action against Spammers in the
small claims court. A guide to this procedure could be produced in
collaboration with law schools.
Unified Messaging
- It is not yet clear whether Unified Messaging is a high priority
concern of enterprise users of messaging.
- Plans were put in place for the development of a Business Scenario
in conjunction with a small number of customers interested in
Unified Messaging. This can then be used as the basis for a workshop
in the April meeting to review and develop it.
Instant Messaging
- Dale Johnson agreed to prepare a 1 page problem statement in time
for the next meeting.
- Agreed Forum plan for 2003
- First draft of Spam Defined White Paper
- Contents list for Managers Guide to Business Scenarios
Next Steps
- Interim workshop to develop the Unified Messaging White Paper
- Formation of group interested in the further development of Secure
- Forum Steering Board to be extended to include all active members
- Austin Meeting Agenda
- Repeat of Secure Messaging Implementors Workshop
- Whole day seminar on Spam Management
- Workshop to review and refine the Unified Messaging Business
State of the Forum Address [Dean Richardson, Presentation]
Virtual Post Office [Stephan Wappler, Presentation]
Spam Explained [Dale Johnson, White paper draft]
2003 Forum Plan [Mike Lambert on behalf of the Steering Board]