Objective of Meeting
Next Steps
Sponsoring Forum(s)
Directory Interoperability
Meeting Report
Objective of Meeting
The purpose of the meeting was to review progress in the DIF
and to plan the work program for 2003.
The meeting received reports from its work areas:
Directory Certification
The documents defining the LDAP Certified
and LDAP Ready programs had been completed.
A Plugfest had been held that tested DSML as well
as LDAP interoperability.
Directory Standardization
Formal standardization relating to LDAP was
winding down in the IETF, although work continued
through individual submissions.
Directory Interoperability Marketing
There had been little activity in the preceding quarter,
but strong marketing efforts would be needed for and following
the launch of the new certification programs.
Identity Management
The work area was now formed with a chair, a steering
committee, and a draft charter.
Mobile and Directory
Recent work had focussed on the Mobile and Directory
Challenge. There had been significant progress on this, but the
project was behind schedule, and was to be reviewed later
in the conference.
The meeting approved a resolution that completed the procedural
framework for the LDAP Ready program, and agreed in outline the DIF work program
for 2003.
Next Steps
The next steps are to:
Launch the LDAP Certified and LDAP Ready programs;
Review current and emerging directory technology;
Study the role of Directory in the Enterprise architecture; and
Plan a marketing program that presents directory as
a multi-interface data store that is the foundation for
applications such as identity management and web services.