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Bull announces its commitment to Linux

linux.gif (2497 octets) Paris, Linux Expo, 17th June 1999 - Bull announces today its commitment to Linux, and launches a services offer for Linux, a certification programme for its range of Express5800 servers, a new development for bringing security to e-commerce applications, and the LinuxMaster Group initiative for porting OpenMaster onto Linux.

Bull's Services offer for Linux: available on all platforms supporting Linux

Bull offers a complete range of services for Linux users, including consulting, application and technology integration, support of applications and infrastructures and a dedicated "hot-line". Linux users can benefit from a high level of expertise and experience that is unique in Europe concerning development, integration and service activities in the domain of open systems.

Bull's services units - operational as from today - are available to respond to all customer requests, whether for integration services or professional services. These services include the support of hardware and software infrastructures, whether Bull or non-Bull, application support, assistance in selecting components for the infrastructure and applications, assistance for the implementation and deployment of users' solutions, maintenance in operational condition, and training.

Certification and development activities for Intel-based servers

Bull demonstrates its immediate commitment to the Linux world by announcing, in complement to its new services offer for Linux, and to meet the requirements from the Linux community on questions of cost, security and performance, by announcing:

  • the certification of several Express5800 servers (Intel processors), that is, an entry-level platform (LC1400), a secure two-way departmental server (MC2400) and a four-way enterprise server (MH4500), with Linux (Red Hat 6.0) and thereafter with the majority of Linux distributions,
  • an offer addressed specifically at the world of education. It comprises an entry-level Express5800 LC1400 server, the Red Hat 6.0 distribution of Linux, and the Cygnus GNUPro ToolKit. This offer is particularly well suited to implementing Web applications or solutions in the areas of education and research. 
  • a partnership with Intel for porting on Linux, for the first time, the CDSA (Common Data Security Architecture) solution, particularly focused on the security of transactions in the world of e-commerce,
  • in the coming weeks, agreements with major partners in the Linux community.

Creation of the LinuxMaster Group

BullSoft accompanies and supports the creation of the LinuxMaster Group initiative, an association that was founded to promote the development of administration applications on Linux.

An independent association, created in the spirit of freeware, the LinuxMaster Group has the objective of developing, on OpenMaster, administration services for systems, networks, and applications on Linux, in particular around the Internet.

OpenMaster services for Linux are available for education and research purposes from LinuxMaster Group.

"Thanks to the porting of OpenMaster on Linux, powerful functions for system and network administration can already be used on Linux" states Maria Legay, President of LinuxMaster Group. "Following these first developments, we will pursue with our partners the development of new OpenMaster administration functions on Linux, and generate other initiatives. Our first partnership, with the "Ecole Centrale de Paris" is very promising in this domain."

"Bull has decided to commit to Linux in order to meet the needs of customers who wish to have an open system at very low cost and to benefit from Unix experience. Our know-how in Solutions and Services integration, among the best in Europe, will position us as a major player for the Linux community, by offering a level of services as high as is available for other operating systems on the market" says Noël Saille, co-President of Bull Services.

 "We at Oracle are glad to see that our strategic partner Bull is committing itself to the Linux path" declares Régis Nacfaire, Director of Business Development and Marketing Alliances, Oracle EMEA. "The services that Bull offers, the performance and robustness of Bull's family of servers running Linux, associated with Oracle8i, the Internet database, will provide vendors of Linux software with an infrastructure that is ideal for developing innovative Internet solutions."

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Groupe Bull

Bull is an international I.T. group based in Europe with 20,676 people and operations in nearly 100 countries. In 1998, Bull earned revenues of $4.3 billion including over 65% outside of France, its country of origin.

Bull offers a wide range of systems, infrastructure software and I.T. services, through focused innovation, alliances with the best partners and its own integration expertise.

In its industry, Bull is recognized for innovative products including the Escala family of Unix servers, the NT Express5800 range, smart cards and software such as OpenMaster for secure management of systems and networks. In I.T. services, Bull is ranked in Europe as the third largest systems integrator and fifth in maintenance and support services

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Catherine Paitel

Bull Servers Communications

tel. (33) +1 30 80 70 36 

(All trademarks, service marks and company names are the property of their respective owners)