Enterprise Architecture with TOGAF® and ArchiMate®
Henry Franken, MSc. PhD.
Henry Franken, BiZZdesign, Netherlands; and Chair, ArchiMate® Forum
A complete approach to enterprise architecture (EA) requires:
- a framework describing architectural viewpoints;
- a language for architectural descriptions;
- a method for constructing architectures.
The Open Group's TOGAF® 9 standard is the leading method for EA development, including a process, techniques and best practices. The Open Group's ArchiMate standard is the leading language for integrated EA modelling, describing the business, application and technology layers and their relationships.
Based on examples from real-life cases, we show how ArchiMate® makes TOGAF® actionable:
- how TOGAF® and ArchiMate together offer a comprehensive and complete approach to EA;
- that ArchiMate facilitates modeling the deliverables prescribed by TOGAF®;
- ArchiMate core and its extensions to cover all the aspects that TOGAF® addresses.
Delegates will learn from this session:
- TOGAF® 9 in a nutshell
- ArchiMate and its extensions in a nutshell
- How to deliver EA using TOGAF® and ArchiMate
Henry Franken
BiZZdesign offers complete and integrated solutions (tools, methods, consultancy and training) to design and improve organizations. Enterprise architecture, business requirements management and process business analysis and management are important ingredients in the solutions. At BiZZdesign, Henry is, amongst others, responsible for research and innovation. Alignment with and contribution to open standards are key. Henry has co-authored several international publications and Open Group whitepapers. Henry is co-founder of the BPM-Forum. Henry is a speaker at many conferences. |
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