Vaho Rebassoo
Chief Technical Officer, IT Services,
The Boeing Company
 As Chief Technology Officer, IT Services, Vaho Rebassoo is
responsible for strategic planning and direction for infrastructure technology
across The Boeing Company.
Dr. Rebassoo has over 25 years of experience
in systems engineering and technical management in network and computing.
This includes key roles with the Pentagon Telecommunications Center,
Bell Laboratories in development of the 5ESS switch and the System 85 PBX
at Boeing, designing, implementing and operating large complex networks
and computing infrastructures.
He joined Boeing in 1984 as Chief Engineer
for the Boeing Telephone Service Modernization Program. He assumed responsibility
for the entire BTSMP program in 1988, then Network Operations as well
later in 1988.
As head of Network Technical Services from 1992 to 1997
he was
responsible for the design and implementation of Boeing data, voice
and video networks worldwide.
In 1997 he managed IT merger activities with
the former McDonnell Douglas and Rockwell companies, and then was appointed
CTO of Computing and Network Operations in Boeing. As Director of Technology
Management, he assumed responsibility for planning, design and implementation
of IT infrastructure enterprise-wide.
Dr. Rebassoo received his bachelor’s
degree from Harvard University and his Master’s and PhD degrees from
the University of Washington.
He is the member of numerous executive advisory
boards, including the Washington Technology Alliance, the UCLA Wireless
Research Program, and the University of Washington Master of Science
in Information Systems (MSIS) Program.
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