kiat-pic.gif (13744 bytes) Dr Toh See Kiat
Tan Peng Chin & Partners

Dr Toh is a partner in the law firm of Tan Peng Chin & Partners.

He is author of Paperless International Trade : Law of Telematic Data Interchange (Butterworths, 1992) and editor of The EDI Law Review (Graham & Trotman).  Dr Toh is heavily involved in IT law reform and policy, and standards setting in electronic commerce (EC).  He advises the Information Technology Management Association (Singapore) and various government agencies on the legal issues of information technology and EC.

Dr Toh is also a Member of Parliament, President of the Consumers' Association of Singapore (CASE), a member of the ICC Working Party on EC, and Chairman of CommerceNet Singapore Limited (a global consortium of EC companies).