logo4-small.gif (3933 bytes) Endorsements

Why The Open Group?
Here are a few comments from our members regarding participation in The Open Group and prior conferences.

"From an end-user point of view, Open Group security program group meetings provide several benefits:
- face-to-face interaction with leading architects from major vendors
- an understanding of latest developmens, events and future directions in the area
- an opportunity to share experiences with other companies and influence open standards"
Chii-Ren Tsai, Vice President, Citicorp Global Communications
"The Open Group has contributed to our ability to identify and meet with business peers and IT partners. In an atmosphere centered in business requirements and open discussion, our involvement has provided us with both early warning and strategic vision to support rational decisions and guide our business."
Ronald Becker Williams, Application and Security Architecture Technology Planning, Kaiser Foundation Health Plan, Inc
"The Open Group provides a forum that addresses the issues that organizations need to hear about. Not only that, we get information on approaches that we can take away and apply."
Hal Wilson, Vice President & General Manager, Litton PRC
"I was impressed with the activities and energy of the DCE Program Group. The demonstration of Public Key Infrastructure/DCE showed impressive functionality and excellent vendor cooperation."
Randall Burris, Center for Computational Science, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
"The Open Group's IT DialTone is going to be THE way to implement global electronic business systems; we find it invaluable to participate in it's evolution - we know it will give us an edge"
Alan Davies, Technical Director, Gresham Computing plc
"The depth of understanding and the willingness to share experience and expertise makes The Open Group meetings a "must go" in my calendar"
Nick Price, Group Technical Architect, The Dairy Farm Group
Last updated 03 Sep 1998

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