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Table of contents

PowerPoint Presentation

Slide 2

Overall Wificom SAB™ Architecture

Current View of the Market – Problems

Wireless LAN Organisations

What Is Roaming to Us? Current Situation

Pass-One’s Positioning

Slide 8

Two Cornerstones

Slide 10

The aim of the organization

Pass-One’s Operating Principles

And Today ?

Services Delivered

MRA - Charging Principles

A global service mark

A Global Service Mark

A viable business model for smaller WISPs

A viable business model for smaller WISPs (cont…)

The battle against a fragmented market

Principles of Standardisation

Classic Roaming Scenario

Roaming Timeline WISP

Roaming Timeline End-User

WISP Requirements for Roaming ?

Legal Organisation – Big Picture

Rollout Scheme – 4 Phases


Recommendations to Operators


Slide 31
