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- San Diego played host to the most successful Members Conference ever (with over 300 participants).
- The plenary kickoff was a live on-stage demonstration which illustrated how Network Computers and applications can be intermixed and stressed the benefits of a networked approach.
- Presentation overviews:
- Engineering firm ABB reported positive experiences with pilot NC activities and spoke of the major potential cost savings and time reductions that will open up as their experience increases.
- Kaiser Permanente discussed the value of an NC approach in the healthcare field and illustrated a major achievement by a small, but highly-skilled, implementation team.
- Accountants McGladney and Pullen spoke of how they are successfully using the technology to implement advanced groupware applications for their customers.
- The US Navy's SPAWAR center reported successful pilots and an extensive plan to rollout the technology across an exceptionally wide range of existing hardware and software platforms.
- In addition to customer testimonials, there were strategy presentations from Sun, IBM and Corel. All were keen to promote the benefits of a thin client approach.
- Our thanks to the speakers for the rich content and to those who arranged for them to come.
- Demonstrations from Applix, IBM, Lotus, NCI, NCD and Sun attracted considerable interest. Attendees were pleased to have the opportunity for detailed discussions with vendors regarding potential solutions for the challenges faced by their organizations. Exhibitors reported a higher number of quality inquiries than they would receive from a conventional trade show. Our thanks to the vendors, and to Cameron Consulting, who provided the applications for the demonstrations.
- Attendees interactive sessions led to a prioritized list of the benefits of and challenges faced by Network Computing. The benefits were agreed and the challenges were thought to be manageable.
- The follow up session on NC requirements scored high in the member evaluations. Participants welcomed the opportunity to get involved in solving the challenges.
- The Open Group Network Computer Brand program was launched and we were pleased to award the first Brand Certificates to IBM and Sun.
- The plenary finale was a buzz with excitement as attendees mingled with speakers and exhibitors. Our thanks to NC World Magazine for its sponsorship.
- The conclusion expressed by many attendees is that the time for Network Computing is indeed now!
- The press were also moved by the day's events. At least three news stories have been published in Internet Week, PC Week, and Computer World.
- The energy level throughout the meeting was high! We invite you to join us at our next Conference in Miami, July 20th -24th. The plenary theme will be "Distributed Computing for the Extended Enterprise : Challenges and Directions ".
Go to the San Diego Conference home page
If you have any queries or feedback, or you wish to know more about Miami or Singapore, then email us at meetings@opengroup.org.