Plenary Agenda : Monday 22 September 1997

08.30 Introduction

Anne Thomas,
Patricia Seybold Group


Anne Thomas will outline the agenda for the day and provide a short industry perspective.
09.00 Buying into the Future

Andrew Walden
Barclays Bank plc

Purchasing is increasingly being managed as a strategic function, yet many of its processes have been relatively untouched by IT. This session will describe how Barclays brought web based electronic commerce to purchasing, though a trial service called Barclays PurchaseOnline. The talk will also provide lessons gained from Barclays pioneering virtual shopping mall, BarclaySquare and describe how the future of this service is being developed. Finally, a description of Barclays management approach to fast path delivery of such projects within a banking culture will be given.
09.45 Making Internet Commerce Work

Sukan Makmuri, VP, Internet Banking Technology,
Concorde Solutions, a Bank of America company

Popular opinion says that Electronic Commerce on the Internet is about to boom and that scores of companies are making it happen. What is the reality behind the hype? This session will present what is really happening, what works and what does not with the various EC components, as well as case studies of current implementations. The talk will cover:
  • the generic electronic commerce business model and its value proposition;
  • challenges and alternative solutions in relation to security;
  • Internet infrastructure such as middleware, protocols, etc.
  • payment systems such as electronic cash and smart cards;
  • the role of Java, CORBA, IIOP, etc.

The discussion will be illustrated with case studies of business-to-business and business-to-consumer transactions within trading desk applications, home banking and associated back-office infrastructure and elsewhere.

10.30 Coffee Break  
11.00 Panel Session Anne Thomas and the speakers will discuss the conclusions of the previous sessions and identify areas that require special attention in the creation of the IT DialTone
11.30 Web, Distributed Computing and Electronic Commerce

Laks Prabhala, Senior Systems Consultant/ DCE Architect
T. RowePrice Associates
The Web has captured the hearts and minds of developers, managers, architects and end-users for a number of reasons. Laks Prabhala will discuss the architecture for Web based computing and the challenges facing the Industry from a Electronic Commerce perspective. He will describe some of the initiatives on which the Financial Industry is embarking and also discuss some lessons learned from T.RowePrice experience.
12.15 Lunch  
13.45 Electronic Commerce for Travel: from Legacy to Light Speed

Meg Lewis, VP
SABRE Labs, The SABRE Group
The SABRE computerized reservation system was arguably the world's first large-scale automated electronic commerce system. This session will describe how The SABRE Group is addressing the challenges of migrating SABRE's technology base and business models to meet new market needs and take advantage of new opportunities.
14.30 Panel Session Anne Thomas and the speakers will discuss the conclusions of the previous sessions and identify areas that require special attention in the creation of the IT DialTone
15:30 Coffee Break  
16:00 Joseph De Feo
President & CEO
The Open Group
The Open Group : CEO Update
16:30 IT DialTone Update

Andrew Walker
Director of Liaisons,
The Open Group

This session will cover the measures that The Open Group is taking to make the IT DialTone a reality.

This will include the steps that have already been taken in connection with the Network Computer Profile, Management and Security (CDSA). The session will also outline plans for the rest of the year.
17:00 Program Reports
10 minute update by each Program Chair
  • Framework
  • Security
  • Distributed System Management
  • Distributed Computing Environment
  • Desktop
Recent achievements, current high-priority work and how they (personally) hope to help implement the IT DialTone.

Information on the proposed four new Programs to support the IT DialTone will be provided in a special session on Tuesday afternoon.

17.45 Close  
18:30 Welcome event