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The promises of Grid Computing abound - whether it is used as massive computing power that will solve the most complex and demanding questions or used to optimize the use of computing power in an enterprise. The key to Grid computing is that it enables the aggregation of resources across multiple domains, which introduces new challenges in terms of security and resource management.

The Open Group's conference at Boston's Hyatt Harborside from July 21- 25 2003 will focus on these aspects of Grid computing, and how IT customers can take advantage of Grid to achieve Boundaryless Information Flow in a secure, reliable and timely manner for their enterprise.

What are the challenges?

Fundamental issues of architecture, identity management, security, quality of service, applications and application management, and data management are just some of the challenges that Grid Computing faces before it can fulfill its promise.

Why The Open Group conference?

The current focus on Grid computing is on the technology that makes it technically possible, yet the future of Grid Computing revolves around the question, "How can this help my business be more effective?" A central question is how the application of the Grid supports Boundaryless Information Flow - and is thus a central theme of The Open Group Conference.

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What will be covered?

Speakers include recognized industry leaders in the world of Grid computing and senior representatives of other related organizations who will address the following questions:

* What, exactly, is the Grid?
* Is it real and ready for commercial use? If not, when will it be, and what are the barriers that need to be overcome?
* How can businesses prepare to use the potential of Grid Computing? What steps need to be taken to maximize the Grid's benefits?
* What organizations are active in making Grid computing a reality? What areas are they focused on?
* What impact is Grid computing likely to have on the work of The Open Group? Where can The Open Group work cooperatively with other organizations?

Conference Supporters
Global Grid Forum

Interoperable Informatics Infrastructure Consortium

Association of Strategic Alliance Professionals