Doug Toth
Groupware Solutions Supervisor, Extended Entreprise Group, McGlatney & Pullen, LLP

Douglas is a Groupware Solutions Supervisor with McGladrey & Pullen's Extended Enterprise Group, and focuses on helping clients be successful through the use of workgroup technologies. McGladrey & Pullen, LLP is the nation's eighth largest certified public accounting and consulting firm, with more than 60 offices nationwide. McGladrey's clients range from small, mid-sized, and large companies in a wide variety of industries.

Douglas has over 15 years experience working with personal and networked computers. He is leading McGladrey's Network Computing practice, as well as Project Managing a variety of successful engagements. Douglas is experienced in the industries of consumer packaged goods, insurance, retailing, education and software development, and a firm beliver in the potential of Network Computers to solve real world computing problems.