Network Computing Requirements


The Open Group has undertaken the first 2 stages of defining the Network Computer Profile and Brand. This is important in its own right and, additionally, represents major progress in the definition of the IT DIalTone specification set. An initial briefing took place in Amsterdam in January and version 2 ot the specification has just been released.

Session Objective

The theme of this conference is "Network Computing" and there will be extensive coverage of the subject on Monday 27th. This additional session has been arranged:

  • To provide further information about what's happening and what the issues are in somewhat greater technical depth
  • To collect members' requirements for the next steps in Network Computing infrastructure standardisation.

This session builds on the results of the discussions on the previous day. As there is more time it will be possible to get down to more detail and to being to discuss solutions.

Members should attend if they wish to gain a deeper appreciation of the issues, especially if they would like to influence Open Group programs in this area. For even greater influence it is recommended that members consider participating in the new "Network Client" Program Group (see separate agenda)

The meeting will include 4 major segments, each covering a specific sub-topic. In each segment an invited expert will outline the issues and there will be an opportunity for discussion. Issues will be identified and prioritised. There will also be a brief recap on current work and a wrap-up session.


Introduction Paul Tanner
Server requirements Andy Bovingdon, SCO
Management requirements Mark Pozefsky, IBM
Set-top, SmartCard and other short-term futures Matt Bennett, NCI
Requirements for broad market adoption TBA
Current Standards Activity Shane McCarron
Wrap-up: Priorities and next steps Paul Tanner

The results of these discussion will be documented for future use and will go forward to the Program Groups and to the Architecture Board.

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