Alain-Francois Robert
Chairman, The Open Group Customer Council
& Director, Open Group LLC

Alain-Francois Robert is the deputy CIO of Elf Exploration Production. ELF is the largest corporation in France and one of the biggest oil companies in the world. He has spent 22 years at ELF in various management positions in the Production Division and the Information Systems Division. He was Project Leader of the Information Systems Plan in 1983-1984 which led to the choice of open systems platforms of all technical applications at ELF.

His International experience started in the U.S. while teaching at Stanford, then in Morocco where he was a consultant at the Ministry of Planning. Following, Mr. Robert was in Africa and Europe supporting the dozen Production Affiliates of ELF, continuing with his function as a member of the Board of Directors of POSC 1991-1995.

Mr. Robert was Chairman of the Board of POSC 1992-1993. He was Chairman of the X/Open User Council as well as a member of the X/Open Board of Directors.

Mr. Robert holds an Engineering Degree from Stanford University, California, a Diplome d'Ingenieur from E.N.S.M.A., one of the top engineering Schools in France, and a degree in Economics. Alain is the Chief Scientist of the Information Community of ELF E&P.