DSM Program Group, June 1997, London

Draft Agenda

Tuesday 24th June
1300 Administrivia Approval of Agenda
Approval of Minutes
Status Reports
1400 IT DialTone Analysis of Plenary Session presentations and identification
of the implications for the DSM Program Group
1500 Break
1530 IT DialTone Analysis of Plenary Session Presentations and identification
of the implications for the DSM Program Group
Wednesday 25th June
0830 DMTF Common Information Model Identification of impact of proposed adoption of DMTF CIM
Identification of opportunities to leverage CIM as the basis for developing definitions for managed resources
1000 Break
1030 Presentation Policy Management - Professor Morris Sloman, Imperial College
1200 Lunch
1300 Application Management Development of Application Management strategy and
identification of specific work items
1500 Break
1530 Application Management Development of Application Management strategy and
identification of specific work items
Thursday 26th June
0830 Application Management Development of Application Management strategy and
identification of specific work items
1000 Break
1030 Future Planning  
1200 Lunch

Last Update: 16/5/97

Name: Martin Kirk

Email: m.kirk@opengroup.org

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