Desktop PG Draft Agenda
London, 25-26 June 1997

Wednesday 25 June
08:30 Joint Security/Desktop/SuperHighway PG Agenda
  • Java/ActiveX Security - Fact or Fiction
  • Vendors Presentations (Sun, Microsoft, Netscape)
10:00 Break
10:30 Continuation of Java/ActiveX Security Session
  • Group Discussion and Action Items
12:00 Lunch
13:30 Java AWT
  • Vendor Presentation
  • Group Discussion and Action Items
14:30 Vendor Desktop Strategy - Citrix
15:15 Break
15:45 End User Desktop Strategy - Boeing
16:45 Discussion on NCRP and Java Standardization Efforts
17:30 Adjourn
Thursday 26 June
08:30 Open Group Desktop Activities
  • X Project Team
  • CDE/Motif Work
  • Complex Text Layout (CTL)
  • Where Does the Desktop Fit in IT DialTone?
  • The Future - Where is the Value to You?
09:15 X Is More Than You Think
  • How X Helps us Achieve the IT DialTone
10:00 Break
10:30 Demo of What X Can Do for You TODAY!
11:00 Desktop Program Group Planning Meeting
  • Discussion and follow-up on Action Items
  • September Agenda
  • Program Plan
12:00 Lunch
13:30 Continuation of Desktop Planning Meeting
16:00 Adjourn


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