Mr James D. Buckner
Deputy Commander

James D. Buckner is the Deputy Commander of the Center for Standards, JointInteroperability and Engineering Organization (JIEO), Defense Information Systems Agency(DISA). The Center for Standards is tasked to be the DoD Executive Agent forInformationTechnology standards. The Center holds memberships on several national andinternational standards bodies, and is responsible for reviewing interoperability requirements fornew DoD systems.

Mr. James D. Buckner was born on September 24, 1946, in Fayette, Alabama,where he graduated from Fayette County High School in 1964. He received his Bachelor ofScience Degree in Electrical Engineering from the University of Alabama in 1969. In 1981, hereceived his Master of Science Degree in Computer Science from the University of Houston. Histhesis on distributed computing was later used as a text for graduate level courses.

He began his career in government with Computer Sciences Corporation, serving invarious technical and managerial capacities in support of numerous National Aeronautics andSpace Administration projects at the Marshall Space Flight Center, the National SpaceTechnology Laboratories (now the Stennis Space Center), and the Johnson Space Center(JSC).

In 1984, Mr. Buckner joined the McDonnell Douglas Space Systems Company, wherehe held several management positions. As the Director of Information Systems, he led thedevelopment and maintenance of the Houston/Washington- based division's distributedinformation network. Concurrently, he served for one year as Deputy Director of QualitySystems, where he helped to develop and implement a division-wide Total Quality Management(TQM) program.

In 1990, he became the Deputy Commander and Deputy Chief of Staff forAdvanced Technology and Concepts for the Computer Systems Division at Gunter Air ForceBase, Alabama. One year later, as Deputy Chief of Staff for Computer Operations, he wasresponsible for operation of the Air Force's first regional processing center, development systemssupporting Air Force Central Design Activity efforts, and resource management for computerand network systems.

In September, 1994, Mr. Buckner was selected as the first Director of Engineeringfor the Headquarters Standard Systems Group. In this role, he provided leadership and guidanceto engineering technology initiatives, assessed new hardware and software technologies, andimplemented approaches for insertion of these technologies into group programs. He also actedas the catalyst to formulate and apply standard policies and processes to all group programs,projects, and activities.

Mr. Buckner has received numerous commendations from the Air Force, NASA, andthe Navy, and has published several technical works. His Space Shuttle computer graphicsanimation received national recognition when aired on the CBS Evening News. In 1988, hereceived an Outstanding Achievement Award from Spaceweek, a national volunteer spacesupport organization.

Mr. Buckner is married to the former Donna Patterson of Jacksonville, Florida. Theirdaughter Kristi will be three in October. His son Steve is 27 and his daughter Amanda is 23.