Week Agenda
Previous Conferences
The Open Group

QoS Task Force Agenda

- including joint sessions with Mobile and Enterprise Management and Real-Time and Embedded Systems Forums

Note: Tuesday Evening: Member Dinner with Special Invitation to All QoS Attendees

April 10th and 11th
Two Day - Open Session (Members and Non-Members)

The Quality of Service (QoS) Session at The Open Group Conference in Paris. France is a 2-day (April 10th and 11th), open session. The two days will offer joint sessions with the Enterprise Management, Mobile Management, and Real-Time and Embedded Systems Forums. In addition there will be presentations, feedback and discussion on Task Force Deliverables, including a working session with members of the TeleManagement Forum's SLA/QoS team as we work on Mapping Enterprise and Network Application Requirements to the Service Provider domain.

Wednesday 10th April
Joint Session Wednesday Morning - QoS Task Force and Mobile Management Forum

9:00 - 9:10
Overview of Mobile Management Forum - Vision, Objectives
Steff Coetzee, Peter George, Wheatstone Consulting
9:10 - 9:20
Overview of Quality of Service Task Force - Vision, Objectives
Jean Hammond, Chair QoS Task Force
9:20- 10:30
Presentations on The Challenges of Providing QoS in Mobile Environments

Presentations in this session will focus on the following Challenges

  • How can each users’ bandwidth and QoS requirements be met in different locales, over different transports and varying circumstances.
  • What methods can be used to mark applications as to treatment types required and how can priority be signaled.
  • Are Service Providers and Carriers able to deliver differentiated services to the global, mobile workforce?
  • What are future strategies for delivering bandwidth and QoS services for public networks and for VPNs. The challenge of delivering these services in a range of venues such as hotel rooms, airport boarding lounges, Internet cafes, or remote offices and the management challenge of delivering these services securely over multiple management domains is extremely complex. This session will address those complexities.


Michael A. Krasner, Principal, Krasner Consulting

The challenge of meeting user expectations and application requirements for quality of service in the mobile enterprise are significant. Michael will talk about what those challenges are and some of the ways they are being addressed in today's solutions.

Charlie Henderson, Motorola

Increasingly companies are seeking new and effective ways of gaining competitive advantage. Through the use of existing and emerging mobile technologies (such as 802.11a/b, Bluetooth and GPRS), it is possible to seamlessly integrate employees in the field with core systems in the organisation, in real time. The result is reduced delays, more effective asset management, and a powerful competitive edge in today's aggressive marketplace.

10:30 - 11:00
11.00 - 11.30
Customer Perspective and Interactive Discussion
Presenter: Richard Paine, The Boeing Company

The Boeing Company has taken the initial steps to use VOIP and streaming video on the enterprise Intranet. These steps have required some initial forays into QoS and its practical application in a large enterprise. The presentation gives information about some of the issues and problems in actually implementing QoS in the multimedia enterprise environment.

11:30 - 12:30
Panel with Presenters from thePreceding Sessions

The Panelists will be presented with questions focusing on what they see as the major obstacles to guaranteeing Quality and the other "ilities" (reliability, manageability security, etc.) in Mobile and Temporary environments.

12:30 - 2:00
2:00 - 2:45
Overview of the TeleManagement Forum's SLA Handbook and an Introduction to the new Joint Initiative
Presenter: Malcom Sinton, Project Manager, QinetiQ

The TeleManagement Forum and The Open Group’s QoS Taskforce have recently established a liaison partnership and are currently working on a joint initiative to expand the TMF's Service Level Agreement (SLA) Handbook, a very widely read and referenced document on Service Level Agreements - particularly with the Telcos and Service Providers.

This session will focus on the SLA Handbook as it exists today in terms of SLA specifications and best practices particularly as they apply to assuring QoS via Service Level Agreements.

2:45 - 3:30
Overview and Objectives of the TMF/Open Group Joint Initiative
Presenter: Jon Saperia, JDS Consulting, representing the QoS Task Force

Piggy-backing on the previous session, this session will go into more detail on the Joint Initiative Objectives. Their current handbook is focused on how to specify, propagate and deliver QoS within the Service Provider/Telco domain from the Service Access Points inward. The QoS Task Force will have the major role in developing Volume 4, which will focus on the Enterprise Applications, driving QoS requirements and how to effectively map those operational requirements to the SLAs and Service Provide/Telco domains.

3:30 - 4:00
4:00 - 4:30 Interactive Discussion and Planning Session on Next Steps - Ties the Previous Session to QoS Task Force Working Groups and Actions
Facilitated by Jean Hammond, QoS Task Force Chair
4:30 - 5:00 Presenter: Tony Wuersch, Securities Industry Automation Corporation (SIAC)

Tony brings both a QoS Task Force and Enterprise Management Forum Perspective. His presentation will offer the following ideas:

QOS refers to differentiated services through common portals. Dynamic, possibly real-time, or next-day decisions are made with respect to a QOS environment. Triggers will flag decisions that need to be made. More infrequently, major choices are made or reviewed, such as switching portals. Managers of a QOS environment want to present proactive options for QOS improvement. Decisions need structure to be easy to make, report, and review. And the contexts and concepts needed to make decisions go beyond TCP/IP objects and attributes.

5:00 - 5:30
Presentation by the Applications, Computing & Servers WG
Presenter: Paul Tunney, WhiteView (Previously ORBISM)

This group is looking into QoS management based on internal instrumentation of applications, which ties into the management of servers, server farms & storage environments. Metrics and measurement can be increasingly rationalized as we link enterprise and network Quality of Service domains.

Thursday 11th, April
Joint Session Thursday Morning - QoS Task Force, Real-Time & Embedded Systems, Enterprise Management Forums

9:00 - 9:10
Overview for Real-Time & Embedded Systems Forum
Presenter: Dave Emery, The Mitre Corporation
9:10 - 9:20
Overview of QoS Task Force: Vision, Objectives
Presenter: Jean Hammond, Chair of QoS Task Force
9:20 - 9:30
Overview of Enterprise Management Forum: Vision, Objectives
Presenter: Karl Schopmeyer, Chair of Enterprise Management Forum
9:30 - 10:30 In-Line with In3
Presenter: Terry Blevins, CTO The Open Group

This session will focus on the In3 (Integrated Information Infrastructure) concept, which is quickly taking on a major focus for The Open Group. The need for organizations to have an Integrated Information Infrastructure stems from the need to improve operational efficiencies. Business processes must be integrated horizontally and vertically to improve operational efficiencies, however the systems supporting those processes present obstacles because they contain multiple stovepipe point solutions where information is not currently shared that is there is a lack of integrated information.

We will present this concept and discuss where the QoS Task Force, Real-Time and Embedded Systems and Enterprise Management Forums already align with this strategic direction and how we can benefit from closer association with the concept.

10:30 - 11:00
11:00 - 12:30
Enterprise Applications and Real-Time Environments: How do we manage applications and the resources they rely on to meet QoS and Real-Time Requirements?

This session will offer a set of presentations that focus on Applications in the Enterprise and in Real-Time Scenarios. What needs to happen to allow applications and underlying resources to be monitored, managed and controlled to meet operation critical requirements? Whether the operation represents a mission critical application in defense, the financial sector, manufacturing division, etc. the requirements for control over applications and resources are similar.

11:00 - 11:30
Presenter: Dock Allen, The Mitre Corporation, Chair of the Joint Real-Time/QoS Working Group

Dock will present a set of preliminary objectives, which the Joint Working Group has drafted. The draft objectives will serve to illustrate the wide range of areas in need of attention from a combined qos and real-time perspective. The interactive discussion following is intended to solicit additional input from the larger group as a way of refining this initial set of ideas.

11:30- 12:00
Presenter: Bernard Tardy, Systar

Among the many challenges facing the real time enterprise, two must be addressed by those enterprise seeking operational excellence and total QoS from their customers' perspective:

First, they must ensure their strategic business processes behave according to the business expectations and that commitments to customers can be met. This requires a monitoring, at the business process level, from the customer perspective and real time capable of identifying any abnormal situation likely to impact the service delivered, even in complex extended value chains.

Second, they must ensure the IT resources available are properly sized at all time, to match business requirements, and know which domains to improve. This requires a top down analysis, showing decision support dashboards to managers in charge of large and distributed populations of servers.

The presentation will show Systar's approach of the two challenges, and how it can be rapidly addressed, with non intrusive solutions and very rapid results. Based on more than 200 successful implementations in all domains of industry.

12:00 - 12:30
Presenters: Karl Schopmeyer, Andrea Westerinen

We will look at the following Enterprise Management Issues and Initiatives in relation to Quality of Service.

  • The ARM (Application Response Time) standard developed within the Enterprise Management Forum - what it is and how it is being used in a number of large scale customer operations.
  • Pegasus, we will provide an update on The Open Source implementation based on CIM (DMTF'S Common Information Model)
  • Application Metrics, discussion on what is being done and what needs to happen to make application metrics work for end-to-end QoS and Enterprise Management.
12:30 - 2:00
2:00 - 2:30
Presentation: The Boeing QoS Business Scenario from a Transactional Perspective
Presenter: Sally Long, The Open Group

This session will be a presentation on The QoS Business Scenario which was started by The QoS Task Force and The Boeing Company last quarter. We are evolving that scenario to focus on the specific aspects of QoS involved in the mapping/profiling of resources necessary for delivering QoS to transactions, with the end goal of identifying specific areas within the general QoS picture that would benefit from standards/metrics as related to transactions.

2:30 - 3:30
Interactive Discussion: Workshop on Mapping Resources to Transactions based on Boeing Business Scenario in Previous Session
Facilitator: Jean Hammond

This session is a follow on to the Boeing Scenario and will be constructed around how we map/profile resources to transactions and what are the human and computer elements involved in some typical enterprise business applications. Part of the discussion will center around how we apply the mappings to meet operational needs in an enterprise environment.

3:30 - 4:00
4:00 - 4:45
Architecture, Policy, Controls Working Group
Presented by the Working Group as Work in Progress

This Working Group focuses at the level of Control Architecture/ Decision Point /Monitoring Points. It is looking at how service level definition maps to Policies and Policy stores and how we will need to map the associated policy languages to many domains. It is not only about propagating policy across all domains, but about monitoring and controlling resources based on policy decisions.

4:45 - 5:30
QoS Task Force

New Business, Old Business, Planning for the July Conference in Boston, Massachusetts

Speaker Biographies

In alphabetical order

Dock Allen, Mitre Corporation

Dock Allen is the founder and chair of the OMG Real-time Special Interest Group, which has succeeded in getting support for real-time systems, embedded systems, fault tolerance, and parallel processing (currently underway) into the commercial standards for CORBA. Dock is also the project leader for the USAF/ESC Common Data Environment project at the Mitre Corporation.

David Emery, Principal Engineer, The Mitre Corporation; Chair, Real-Time & Embedded Systems Forum

David Emery is a Principal Engineer in MITRE's Army Information Systems department, providing systems and software engineering on a variety of military command and control and weapon systems. He previously worked for Hughes Aircraft of Canada, Siemens Research and Computer Sciences Corporation, and served on active duty with the U.S. Army.

Mr. Emery received his B. S. in Mathematics from Norwich University, Northfield, VT in 1978. He was commissioned a Second Lieutenant, Field Artillery, and served in a variety of artillery and automation assignments on active duty. He became interested in Ada and large-scale software engineering problems while in the military, and his professional career has been involved in Ada, software engineering and software standardization.

He is active in both the IEEE and the ACM, and has participated in several international standards activities. His IEEE activities include Technical Editor of IEEE P1003.5, the Ada Binding to POSIX and contibuted to the recently approved IEEE Std 1471, Recommended Practice for Architecture Descriptions for Software Intensive Systems. He has served as Secretary and Treasurer for ACM's Special Interest Group on Ada, and as a member of ACM's Technical Standards Committee. Within ISO, he has been a member of the US Delegation to ISO/IEC SC22 (Programming Languages and Interfaces) and to ISO/IEC SC22 WG9 (Ada), and has chaired WG9's Ada Uniformity Rapporteur Group.

Mr. Emery has been honored with the IEEE Third Millenium Medal, Outstanding Contribution and Meritorious Service awards, and selection to the IEEE Computer Society's "Golden Core". SIGAda recently awarded him its Outstanding Contribution Award. He is published on Ada programming language bindings, software portability and architectural approaches for software-intensive systems. His paper Experiences Applying a Practical Architectural Method won Best Paper award at Ada-Europe '96.

Charlie Henderson, Motorola

Charlie is a senior member of the Systems Integration and Services group at Motorola in the UK. His focus is on identifying and implementing mobile technologies which enable companies to reduce costs and improve efficiency in the enterprise space, and to increase customer interaction.

Before moving to Motorola he was responsible for mCommerce consulting across the Financial Services sector at Cap Gemini Ernst & Young, and prior to that initiated and led the development of KPMG/KPMG Consulting's mCommerce capabilities in the UK.

Michael A. Krasner, Principal, Krasner Consulting

Mike Krasner is currently pursuing various entrepreneurial activities, focusing on the mobile wireless industry.

Until recently, he was Vice President and General Manager of the Voice Solutions Division of Comverse, Inc., with overall responsibility for the company s complete line of voice solutions for wireless and wireline carriers worldwide. In this capacity, he had oversight of Comverse s comprehensive line of voice products including consumer and corporate voice portals and speech-enabled business communications tools. Prior to joining Comverse, Krasner founded and was the president and CEO of InTouch Systems, which was acquired by Comverse in 1999. Previously, he held the position of president and founder of BBN HARK Systems Corp., a subsidiary of Bolt Beranek and Newman Inc. (BBN) and a leading vendor of speech recognition products focusing on the telephony market.

His international experience includes the startup of BBN Systems and Technologies Limited, a venture to expand BBNs activities to Europe. Krasner holds a doctorate in electrical engineering and computer science from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Sally Long, Director, Quality of Service Task Force, The Open Group

Sally Long has been managing customer-vendor forums and collaborative development projects for the past ten years. First as the Release Engineering Section Manager for all collaborative, multi-vendor, development projects (OSF/1, DME, DCE, Motif) at The Open Software Foundation (OSF), in Cambridge Massachusetts. Following that Sally moved to Business Development as a Program Manager for New Projects.

In 1997 after The Open Software Foundation merged with X/Open to become The Open Group, Sally took on the responsibility of Program Director for various Forums at The Open Group. She was the Program Director for The DCE Forum, and for a short time, The Enterprise Management Forum. She is currently the Director of The Quality of Service Taskforce. Sally has a Bachelor of Science degree in Electrical Engineering from Northeastern University.

Richard H. Paine, The Boeing Company

Richard H. Paine works in a research and technology organization for The Boeing Company in Seattle, Washington, USA. He has worked in the computer data networking field for twenty-four years and at The Boeing Company for 14 years.

Mr Paine first worked for the Air Force, writing network protocols in assembler language and then leading FORTRAN and real-time programming organizations. He was commander of a computer center in the United Kingdom and then moved back to the states, working in the design, contract, and implementation of a worldwide weather graphics network.

His work at Boeing consists of work in multi-level secure local area networks, in the logical design of the network for the defense and space side of the company, and then moved into developing strategic architectures for the research and technology side of the aerospace business. He has led such projects within Boeing as the Web, Wireless and Mobility, Communications Security, Voice Over IP, and the Directory Enabled Network.

Jon Saperia, President JDS Consulting

After a number of years working for a range of small to large public corporations, Jon Saperia formed JDS Consulting, Inc. He has extensive experience in computer and network systems development and deployment with an emphasis on standards-based network management technology. For the past 10 years he has actively worked in the Internet Engineering Task Force as a contributor, author, and working group chair in many areas related to SNMP based management. He has created management software product direction for systems and applications and led architecture, design and development efforts of award winning management software efforts. Some of his IETF activities include the following:

  • Cochair SNMP Configuration Management Working Group (January 2000 - Present)
  • Technical advisor to the Inter-Domain Routing Working Group (ongoing)
  • Invitational Meeting on Configuration Management - Prepared recommendations for configuration management in TCP/IP based internets (September 1999)
  • Operations and Management Area Reviewer (Ongoing)
  • Cochair Application MIB Working Group (working group successfully concluded)
  • Chair DECNet Phase IV MIB Working Group (working group successfully concluded) Active participant since 1990
Malcolm Sinton, Project Manager, Secure Communications Group, QinetiQ

Malcom Sinton is currently a Project Manager in the Secure Communications Group at QinetiQ, formally Defence Evaluation Research Agnency (DERA). He has had 30 years of military experience managing military Secure Communication Systems and Networks from HF to EHF. He has a Degree in Telecommunications.

Malcom is a member of The TeleManagement Forum's SLA Handbook Working Group and has participated in various other QoS, Network and Performance Projects including: MoD ARP Project for communication services QoS/Performance, MoD ARP Project for Network Management and End-to-End/ Application-to-Application. Malcom Sinton can be reached at

Bernard Tardy, Director, European Business Developement, Systar

Bernard Tardy, now 43, has always worked in the software industry, holding several functions in sales and marketing. Since 1998 at Systar, he has first been in charge of the launch of a new product line, BusinessBridge, recognized since then as the first "Real Time Business Process Monitor" by well-known IT analysts such as Gartner Group and Meta Group, and has first been dedicated to the success of BusinessBridge in Financial Services: today, more than 30 large customers in Europe, Canada and the US have implemented BusinessBridge to monitor the smooth behavior of their most strategic business processes.

Since 2001, he is in charge of European Business Development for the two product lines of Systar : OmniVision and BusinessBridge, in different industry sectors. Systar customers can now be found in 15 countries.

Paul Tunney - Product Director, WhiteView

Mr. Tunney is a founder of WhiteView, responsible for product direction and delivery. WhiteView was formerly known as ORBISM where Paul acted as CTO. For the last five years Paul has helped large organisations build reliable infrastructure for their systems using existing and emerging middleware technologies. Prior to that Paul worked on a number of assignments in Switzerland and Germany implementing OO solutions. Paul is currently working on defining the Service Level Management vision for WhiteView.

Andrea Westerinen, Senior Architect and Manager of Information Modeling at Cisco Systems

Andrea Westerinen is a Senior Architect and Manager of Information Modeling at Cisco Systems. She has worked in the computer industry for more than 20 years, the last eight years principally in the areas of enterprise, system, network, storage and policy-based management. Andrea manages the technical activities of the Distributed Management Task Force (DMTF) as their Vice President of Technology, and is an active participant in the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) and TeleManagement Forum (TMF).

She is an expert on the Common Information Model (CIM) object schemas published by the DMTF, and is the current chair of the CIM Network Working Group.

Andrea has co-authored a book on CIM, as well as several IETF Internet-Drafts on policy. Before joining Cisco, Andrea was employed by Microsoft, Intel, IBM and NCR.

She has a B.S. in Physics and Mathematics from Marquette University, and an M.S. in Computer Science from Nova University.

Toni Wuersch, Technical Director in Performance and Capacity Planning at Securities Industry Automation Corporation (SIAC)

Toni Wuersch is a technical director in the performance and capacity planning division of the Securities Industry Automation Corporation (SIAC), charged with supporting the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE). NYSE runs the world's largest equity stock exchange on behalf of its members. SIAC develops and supports NYSE IT systems and their infrastructure.

Mr. Wuersch led the detailed design/implementation of security and management infrastructure for the NYSE's External Access Network (EAN). The EAN lets member firms access NYSE floor services and other external services from their home offices. Toni also led the rollout of firewalls at SIAC --- connecting SIAC to the Internet, connecting SIAC networks to each other, and connecting SIAC to partner firms via extranets and the Internet.

Toni currently leads the performance and capacity modeling of NYSE's specialist trading facility, Display Book. He also continues to do security consulting, and he represents SIAC at the Open Group's Enterprise Management Forum.

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