Transaction Processing
Amsterdam: January 1997

Agenda : Wednesday 28th January

Time Session Description
09:00 Introduction

Ian Robertson
The Open Group

The meeting has three objectives: to provide information on TP and related techniques, to bring vendors and customers together, and, to plan how the Group can deliver a part of the IT DialTone.
09:10 The role of the TP Group

Alan Davies
Technical Director
Gresham Computing plc

Alan Davies has agreed to Chair the TP Group and to represent it on the Open Group Architecture Board. He will outline how he believes the TP Program should be defined and which business and technical problems it should cover.
09:30 Progress on the IT DialTone Architecture

Paul Rabin
The Open Group

The Architecture Team has produced the next Architecture Description (v3.1) and this will be presented at the first meeting of the Architecture Board. This takes into account requirements from the TP Group.
10:30   Coffee
11:00 Combining Object Oriented and Traditional TP

Simone Sédillot

The ACTRanS Project (part of the European ACTS programme) is researching the use of TP to allocate resources on broadband networks. The INRIA is developing links between Object Oriented technology and systems that use the Open Group DTP model. A demonstrator has been built that combines CORBA OTS with TxRPC
11:30 Message Queuing and TP

Ely Eshel

Message Oriented

It is often difficult for conventional TP systems to accommodate business processes that require long running or "asynchronous" transactions. One solution is to use message queuing systems to temporarily store messages and maintain their ordering. A separate benefit is that the same system can be used to apply protocol conversion.
12:00 Future Direction for the TP Group
We shall be proposing some ideas for specifications, test and brands. The Group will be invited to assist in the planning process.
12:30   Lunch