Security Program Group


Further information on the program group

At the last meeting the group set plans for further development leading towards a Single Sign-On specification set and Brand. The group also reviewed the progress of the Common Data Security Architecture (CDSA) fast-track adoption which has since been completed.

In Amsterdam we will review the further development of CDSA, particularly the establishment of testing and Branding of CDSA implementations, including schedules. Additionally, The Open Group is examining options for building an independent reference implementation of CDSA for Europe.

The Open Group intend to produce a publishable version of the the Common Architecture for Public Key Infrastructure (PKI). Work is ongoing with experts in CommerceNet, IETF and various government and commercial agencies to establish a single common architecture for implementing PKI. This identifies and characterizes the key components required for a PKI and the relationships between them. Many companies are already attempting to integrate PKIs into their corporate IT infrastructure so this activity is important to those who want to get this right first time.

The group have already produced one key component of future Single Sign-On solutions in the form of the standard for pluggable authentication modules which allows companies to plug and play authentication methods such as biometrics, smart cards etc. Following the Boston meeting the group is now engaged in delivering the remaining components dealing with distributed secure acccount management. In this respect the group is working with experts from the IETF and the Management PG to define solutions based on the use of LDAP.

The Open Group is preparing a Security Education program that will be offered publicly. Progress on the overall program and course modules will be reviewed.

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