TOGAF Program Group
Amsterdam, January 1998

Launching the 1998 Program Plan


Wednesday January 28th, 1998

IT Dialtone Architecture Description Session

Time Item Intent Responsibility
08:30 IT DialTone Architecture Description Session (joint session with TOGAF PG) Feedback and discussion of IT DialTone Architecture Description document. C.Bunje


TOGAF Program Group

11:00 TOGAF PG Agenda / Goals Agree goals for the meeting J.Spencer
11:10 Program Update Information  
1997 Program Review
  • TOGAF v.3 company review - report & feedback
  • Requirements
  • Tools / SIB


TOGAF Architecture Board Reports   C.Askerfjord
1998 Program Plan - Overview   J.Spencer


14:00 1998 Program: "Productizing" TOGAF    
Infrastructure Investment Analysis (presentation)

Discussion: Using Value Measurement / RoI on architecture work

Explore potential of methodology to assist evaluation of alternative infrastructure scenarios, and manage ongoing migration to optimum scenario. R. Augliere

R.Augliere (moderator)
ADM consultancy


  • Business case for consultancy using TOGAF, materials and staff needed
  • Links to consultants using TOGAF
  • Train buy-side in use of TOGAF and SIB/BIB
  • Tools
Provide relevant information to members / Inform TOG about opportunities for TOGAF consulting / Propose work items. J.Spencer

C.Askerfjord (moderator)


16:00 1998 Program: TOGAF v4    
Potential work items:
  • TOGAF Support for IT DialTone
  • Web-ify TOGAF
  • "TOGAF-lite" (light-weight description, not process)
  • Measuring value / RoI of architecture work - addition to TOGAF doc.
  • TOGAF "qualities" and other Program Groups, ITDT Architecture
  • Update TOGAF: "distributed" TRM, services, applications.
  • Integrating TOGAF with the Object-Oriented paradigm
Provide relevant information to members / Propose work items W.Stahlecker (moderator)
17:00 TOGAF 1998 Program Plan Approval    
Identify Task Groups & Champions

Schedule interim meetings (provisionally)

Approval / Select work items and champions W.Stahlecker (moderator)
J. Spencer


Thursday January 29th, 1997

Time Item Intent Responsibility
09:00 SIB / Tools Development BOF
  • Prototype demonstration
  • Review of requirements
  • Champion(s)
Explore project to evolve s/w tools for use by TOG members A. Walker


11:00 Program Group Executive (including TG champions)

TOGAF 1998 Program Plan Integration

  • 1998 deliverables and timeframes
  • PG Organization for 1998
  • Specific projects / Task Groups and champions
  • 1998 meeting schedules
Approval Co-Chairs

Close / Lunch

Last updated on 14th January 1998

Copyright The Open Group, © 1998