Jean-François Abramatic

W3C Chairman and Associate Director of the MIT Laboratory for Computer Science

Jean-François is Chairman of the W3C and Associate Director of the MIT Laboratory for Computer Science, replacing Albert Vezza, who retired from MIT in September 1996.

Formerly Director of Development at INRIA (1992 - 1996), he was responsible for establishing the European branch of W3C in partnership with MIT LCS in 1995. He was the General Chairman of the Fifth International World Wide Web Conference which was held in Paris in May 1996.

Between 1988 and 1992, Jean-François was Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of a start-up company in the area of X Window terminals.

His areas of expertise include image processing, graphics and networking.

Jean-François received his Master's degree from Ecole des Mines in Nancy and his PhD from the University of Paris VI. He holds two patents and authored more than 40 papers in journals and conferences.