1. DCE RFC Voting results
The members have voted on the priorities for future DCE work, and a tally of the results will be available at the Seattle meeting. Discussion to follow.
2. ActiveX Core Technologies and DCE Integration (ACD) Project: Dick Mackey
Dick Mackey will provide an update of the ACD project, including a description of the two deliverables scheduled for 1997.
Working Group Detailed Agendas
As part of the 17-18 March 1997 DCE Program Group meeting in Seattle, the DCE objects working group will meet on the the agenda:March. Here is afternoon of 17
The three presentations will last about an hour (depends on discussion level); the ACD and charter discussions should last another hour (maybe less).
Dave Skeen
9443 Springboro Pike
Miamisburg, OH 45342
(937)865-6800 ext 2895
Decorum Update (Laura Stentz, Transarc)
(includes DFS Client for Windows NT 4.0 and DFS Web Secure announcements)
DFS Platform Coverage - Update (Laura Stentz, Transarc)2:00-2:30
HP's Enterprise File System (Chris Doehlert, Hewlett-Packard)2:30-2:45
SGI's DFS Implementation (Lynne Johnson or Brian Gaffey, Cray/SGI)2:45-3:15
DFS Manager Demo - Administration for DFS and DCE (Stan Henderson, Chisholm Technologies)3:15-3:30 Break
DFS Backup - ADSM Implementation (Shyh-Wei Luan, IBM)4:00-4:30
Deployment of DFS and DCE at the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, ESNet and EMSL Update (Troy Thompson, PNNL)4:30-5:00
Distribution of DFS RFC, Election of new subgroup chair, Wrap-up (Laura Stentz, Mark Sherman)
Both performance and management efforts will encourage adoption of Open Group RFC's, proposals, etc., and adoption by the Open Group of nascent efforts in the vendor and user community not yet addressed in those efforts.
Ben Lunzer
Pinnacle Alliance
J P Morgan
60 Wall Street
New York, NY 10260
Bill Estrem