Objective of Meeting
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TOGAF ADM Workshop
Objective of Meeting
The ADM Workshop at Washington was a Members' meeting of The Open Group Architecture
Forum, and followed on from the Architecture Practitioners' Conference. The Workshop
focused on future directions for the TOGAF ADM, looking beyond the imminent publication of
TOGAF Version 8.1 in December 2003, to the longer-term strategy for TOGAF Version 9.
Chaired by Judith Jones of Architecting-The-Enterprise, and with participation by a
signficant number of members and invited non-members, the Workshop focused on the
following specific topics:
- Learning from the Architecture Forum - Questionnaire feedback: Lessons
learned from a members' survey on use of TOGAF Version 8 Enterprise Edition.
- Learning from the Plenary & Practitioners Conferences:
Lessons learned from the preceding Plenary Conference on Enterprise Architecture and
Boundaryless Information Flow, which occupied the opening day-and-a-half of the week; and
the two-day Architecture Practitioners' Conference, which occupied the next two days.
- TOGAF 9 Propositions: A series of strawman proposals for the future
evolution of the TOGAF ADM, to facilitate discussion.
- IT Architect Certification: An update on the proposal to introduce an
industry-wide certification program for IT Architects, lead by David Jackson of IBM.
- TOGAF 9 Certification: A discussoin on the implications for TOGAF 9
Certification of the previously discussed IT Architect certification program.
- TOGAF Marketing: A discussion on ways to promulgate TOGAF within the
The discussions from the meeting are reported in depth on the Architecture Forum Members' web
Next Steps
Analyze and distill the output from the Workshop into a firm work plan for 2004 and
A full report is available on the Architecture Forum Members' web