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Real-time & Embedded Systems Forum

Objective of Meeting

The objectives of this meeting were:

  • To provide a brief introduction to the RT&ES Forum so that new and potential members can understand the importance of the vision and more fully appreciate how all of the underlying activities fit together to support that vision
  • To increase awareness of how valuable the MILS architecture is from a security and dependability perspective and to demonstrate a clear path to establishing an open standard for MILS APIs that will enable any system or middleware vendor to conform to the standard


Joe Bergmann, Director of the RT&ES Forum, The Open Group, gave an introduction and stressed the importance of the vision and mission:

The Vision: To employ widely supported and open real-time standards and enabling technologies to deliver testable and certifiable cost-effective, mission-capable systems.

The Mission: To improve the time and cost to market adoption of real-time and embedded solutions by providing a forum where we can share knowledge and integrate open initiatives, and certify approved products and processes.

Joe outlined the various RT&ES Forum activities and working groups and emphasized their relevance to Dependability through Assuredness and their alignment with delivering high assurance and high robustness to customers who depend upon it.

Rance DeLong, LynuxWorks provided a summary of the Vision and the Objectives of the MILS API working group and summarized their progress to-date in creating a standard set of MILS APIs from a minimal runtime perspective.

Rance announced that Paul Chen from Wind River, who has been the co-chair of the MILS API working group, will be stepping down and transitioning his co-chair position to Joe Wlad, also from Wind River. Thank you to Paul Chen for his consistent quality contributions as co-chair!

Rance’s presentation covered the FAQ that was drafted and evolved by the working group, the MILS API standard in relation to The Open Group and other standards, a draft Standard Development Plan (Outline), and the issues surrounding the development of a MILS API Standard, which spanned business, technical, and administrative concerns.

Rance also summarized the MILS 1-pager, which captures the concept and objective of MILS API. It was distributed in hardcopy to the group. Following the main presentation, there was a facilitated session to identify and prioritize the outstanding issues related to business, technical, and administrative areas of the MILS API work, during which the issues identified in the presentation were updated in “real time”. The presentation as posted reflects those updates.

The following presentations were made:

The afternoon presentations were followed by a panel discussion on some of the important issues around dependability and formal methods – and the importance of assuring products operate as securely and reliably as they were intended.


The MILS API issues were elaborated and refined and updated in the MILS API presentation.

Next Steps

The MILS API Working Group will:

  • Draft a Table of Contents and a Scope for the Technical Standard template
  • Update the MILS API Development Plan with a schedule for a series of next drafts of the Technical Standard
  • Conduct a series of web conferences to progress the work


See above.

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