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Customer Council and Supplier Council:
All Members' Meeting

Objective of Meeting

All Members of The Open Group are members of either the Customer Council or the Supplier Council.

In our All Members' meetings, the Customer Council and Supplier Council join together to involve all members of The Open Group in sharing issues and concerns that are of common interest - across all Forums and Working Groups.


Over the past 12 months the Members Councils have not operated as effectively as we would like them to. So in this Austin conference we proposed a new approach. This involved holding an All Members' Lunch on the Tuesday of the Conference in Austin. During this lunch, the Customer Council and Supplier Council leaders and their steering committee members will present this new approach - aimed at restoring the Councils' effectiveness in adding value to the benefits of membership in The Open Group.


Sam Ceccola, Vice-Chair of the Supplier Council and Ben Calloni, Chair of the Customer Council explained the new pro-active approach that both of these Members Councils intend to follow, to add value to membership across all Open Group Forums and Working Groups. Their proposed action plan was supported by representatives from the Forums and Working Groups.

The Councils exist to amplify and multiply the benefits of Open Group active participation to and for member organizations. You can't benefit from something if you don't know about it. The Councils provide the best channels for sharing information, not only "horizontally" across Forums and Working Groups, but also "vertically" between the Forums/Working Groups and the Governing Board, as well as with the Open Group staff who attend conferences to facilitate membership activities and business development. 

The Open Group uniquely offers the best of two kinds of collaboration:

  • Forums and Working Groups each work towards their own particular goals and objectives.
  • The Open Group themes thread across and through all of these efforts. Current themes include the "practice" of architecture, certification programs for professionals, certification and testing programs for software, and of course Boundaryless Information Flow™. 

The reality is that it takes some effort to recognize how the threads of specific work efforts dovetail with each other and with the overriding themes. Council activities help members to take a step back to view "the whole" so as to produce better coordination and sharing between members in all Forums/Working Groups, and as we all appreciate, we each get added value through sharing.

The proposal is that the Councils will add value to Forum and Working Group members by facilitating them producing a roadmap which includes their planned deliverables and projected timelines, and from these roadmaps:

  • Provide oversight for all members on visibility of what is happening in each Forum/Working Group
  • Identify where and how the work in each Forum/Working Group aligns with The Open Group's strategic direction
  • Identify where work in two or more Forums/Working Groups has synergy so will benefit from joint-Forum/Working Group working to leverage shared experience and expertise across the membership

Roadmaps are only snapshots in time unless they are used as working documents and which are updated when significant events occur. The Councils will provide a platform at each conference for each Forum/Working Group representative to report on their roadmap, and from these reports thereby enable other Forums/Working Group representatives to identify synergies, overlaps, and complementary activities which enrich project goals across the whole membership.

The Councils leaders will provide a Roadmap template by end-August, which they will recommend all Forum/Working Group representatives to use as a common format to facilitate information-sharing.

Forum/Working Group representatives are requested to provide draft Roadmaps using this Councils template, in time for presentation in a Councils Meeting in Budapest (October 22-26).

The Councils leaders will aim to provide a "collaboration" tool which will facilitate sharing of information between all Forum/Working Group representatives, Councils leaders, the Governing Board, and The Open Group staff. 

In closing Q&A, it was confirmed that the Councils are ready to respond to requests from any member to start a new activity in The Open Group. All that is needed is for that member to contact the Secretary to the Councils - - or any Councils leader with their request, and it will be followed through.


Agreement to drive towards delivering three key deliverables:

  • A Roadmap template for use by Forum/Working Group leaders
  • A draft Roadmap identifying the planned activities, deliverables, and projected timelines, from each Forum/Working Group
  • A collaboration tool to facilitate sharing of information between the membership, Councils leaders, Board, and Open Group staff

Next Steps

  • By end-Aug 2007, a Roadmap template
  • By next Conference (Budapest Oct 22-26, 2007) a draft roadmap from each Forum/Working Group Council representative
  • A proposal for a collaboration tool for the Councils activities



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