Ian Dobson introduced The Open Group's Membership business (slides available to members and meeting attendees
only), which operates through members participating in Forums. He began with a reminder of
The Open Group vision for boundaryless information flow, and how this means that business
organization boundaries must be made sufficiently permeable so as to enable necessary
information flow across internal departmental boundaries, and through external boundaries
to business partners and customers. He also reminded attendees of our mission - to drive
the creation of boundaryless information flow.
Each Forum then presented in 2-3 slides per Forum the highlights of:
- What happened in the previous Member Meeting and Forum meetings in Brussels, April
19-23, 2004
- What has happened between then and this Boston conference
- What our expected outcomes are from the meetings in this Boston conference
The running order was:
- Customer Council
- Enterprise Management/QoS Forum
- Real-Time & Embedded Systems Forum
- Architecture Forum
- Messaging Forum
- Security Forum
- Grid Enterprise Services Forum
- Directory Interoperability Forum
- Information-Centric Activities
With only 40 minutes to cover all these Forums, this summary report could only cover
the highlights.
Ian closed by noting the "more for less" added value that members gain
through sharing expertise in our Forums, and observing that every Forum report had
included at least one mention of work on architecture - an indication that all The Open
Group Forums (not only the Architecture Forum) are taking an architected approach to their