DIF Chair
Ed Harrington (EPH Associates) was unanimously elected as the new DIF Chair.
Ed had been Vice Chair, and Scott Campbell (IBM) was unanimously elected to replace him
as Vice Chair of the DIF.
The DSML specification was developed by the DSML Technical Committee (TC) of the
Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards (OASIS). Karl Best,
Vice President of OASIS, was present at the meeting.
Certification programs should be based on stable standards. Several issues with the
latest DSML specification had been raised. The DIF reviewed them, and will raise its
concerns with the OASIS DSML TC, which is the appropriate body to resolve them.
The DIF is developing a set of test cases for DSML: the DSML Test Suite (DITS). The
current state of DITS was presented and reviewed.
James de Raeve, VP Business Development at The Open Group, gave presentations on
Certification and Testing and on the Conformance Program Test Manager, which includes
generic XML test technology.
Karl Best gave an overview of OASIS' attitude to certification, and there was
discussion of the possibility of an Open Group certification program for DSML. This would
be feasible in principle. Such a program would be welcomed but not endorsed by OASIS.
However, the time is not right at present. Certification for other XML-based languages,
such as the Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML), could be more opportune.