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Architecture Forum

Objective of Meeting

In Washington the Architecture Forum hosted an extended workshop, from the morning of Tuesday April 25 through Friday April 28, in which members of the Forum:
  • Discussed the Architecture Forum's processes, structure, and forward work program
  • Received updates on a number of ongoing projects and collaborations with other consortia
  • In particular, reviewed the status of TOGAF development

The final meeting agenda is here.

The presentations and detailed minutes of these proceedings are available to Forum members only.


The Architecture Forum meeting comprised the following sessions:

Architecture Terminology BoF

This Birds-Of-a Feather (BoF) meeting was a joint session between the Architecture Forum and the IT Architect Certification team, to progress the ongoing work on architecture terminology. 

This session built on earlier BoFs, and included a presentation by Graham Meaden of Celestial Consulting, who is leading the Architecture Forum's involvement in this joint activity. Graham presented a strawman ontology, which was refined during the week. 

This work will be progressed in future teleconferences and meetings.

Workshop on Architecture Forum Scope, Structure, and Processes

David Jackson of IBM, Chair of the Architecture Forum, led a workshop to review the Forum's decision-making processes.

The Architecture Forum has grown from a very small group to over 100 organizations worldwide in five years. This growth - coupled with the emergence of TOGAF as a leading industry standard within the industry - has led to the need for greater rigor in the way the Forum operates. 

This workshop gave the members of the Forum the opportunity to review strawman proposals developed by the Forum's officer team elected in January 2006, and to plan a way forward to a new charter based on this more rigorous foundation. 

TOGAF Version 9 Workshop

In parallel with its main meeting, the TOGAF9 development team held a two-day working meeting in preparation for the handover of the TOGAF9 draft from the TOGAF9 development team to the Forum at large, for internal review. 

At Barcelona, a set of gating criteria had been defined by the wider Forum for the acceptance of the TOGAF9 draft for Forum review. In this workshop, the development team finalized its submissions against these criteria, for presentation to the Forum in plenary later in the week. 

Project Update: IT Architect Profession/Certification

James de Raeve,  VP Certification, The Open Group, presented an update on the work of the IT Architect Certification team, and led a discussion on ways in which the Architecture Forum - in particular its IT customer members - could help to promulgate the program internally and promote the procurement of IT Architecture services based on IT Architect Certification.

Project Update: Architecture Marketing

Graham Bird, VP Marketing, The Open Group, gave an update on the marketing of Architecture in general, and the Architecture Forum and TOGAF in particular, by The Open Group.

Architecture Forum members can help by representing their organizations at other conferences and featuring The Open Group, the Architecture Forum, and TOGAF.

The Open Group is proposing to replace the current online text of TOGAF Version 8 with technically equivalent text corresponding to the chapter structure of the TOGAF Version 8 book published in September 2005. 

In addition, the TOGAF web site has undergone a significant redesign, and the new, improved design is planned to be introduced along with the new text structure. A system of redirects will be introduced, so that existing hard-coded hyperlinks will continue to route to the appropriate parts of the new text.

Project Update: Architecture Terminology Project

Graham Meaden of Celestial Consulting, who is leading the Architecture Forum's involvement in this joint activity, gave the Forum at large an update on the BoF that had been held earlier in the meeting, and invited further discussion by the Forum on this activity.

This work is currently focused on TOGAF9 and the ITAC program, but in the longer term will expand to embrace terminology in earlier versions of TOGAF, and in other bodies of work outside The Open Group. 

Service Oriented Architectures (Joint Session with SOA Working Group)

In this joint session, Chris Harding, the Forum Director supporting the SOA Working Group, presented an update on the work of the group, including:

This joint session then discussed areas of synergy between the two bodies, and in particular the three specific projects in which the Architecture Forum was invited by the SOA-WG to participate:

  • SOA Relationship to EA (TOGAF)
  • SOA Reference Model 
  • Ontologies for SOA

These project proposals were considered later in the week by the Architecture Forum and further steps agreed on development of project briefs.

Project Update: Architecture Tools

At Barcelona, three members of the Architecture Forum - Jane Varnus of Bank of Montreal, Chris Forde of Amex, and Serge Thorne of Serono International - had agreed to confer on the subject of user requirements for TOGAF8 Tool Support certification, and to report back to the Forum at this meeting.

It had also been agreed that Thomas Obitz and Judith Jones would consult other  customer members of the Architecture Forum on this topic, and pursue it through the Customer Council. 

Jane Varnus presented the results of the group's work in-between the two meetings. Action on the group's findings was deferred to later in the meeting, following the Forum's discussions of decision-making.

Reviving the Customer Council in the Architecture Forum 

Thomas Obitz of Infosys Technologies is the Architecture Forum's Primary Representative to The Open Group Customer Council (Judith Jones of Architecting-the-Enterprise being the Alternate Representative). 

Thomas presented his ideas on reviving the Customer Council, and making the customer voice heard within the Architecture Forum, which were very well received.

MDA/TOGAF Synergy - Collaboration with OMG and the Integration Consortium

Ed Harrison of Data Access Technologies (a member of both The Open Group Architecture Forum and OMG) is chair of the working group that is a joint initiative with the OMG and the Integration Consortium. There are three project areas:

  • A mapping between the TOGAF Architecture Development Method and OMG's MDA standards
  • A proof-of-concept of the application of this mapping, based on the TEAMS project
  • Modeling of the TOGAF ADM process using OMG's SPEM modeling standard

Ed gave a status report on the work of the group, which had been underway since 2002. Ed also gave an update on the third project area, on behalf of Chris Armstrong, who is leading that project area.

The work is progressed by frequent teleconferences, and less frequent face-to-face meetings, the next of which is planned for the Integration Consortium's Global Integration Summit meeting at Boston in May 2006.

Project Update: Architecture Information Base/Building Blocks

The Architecture Information Base is the term now being proposed for what has previously been referred to as the "MetaSIB". This is work that Bill Estrem of Metaplexity Associates and Ian McCall of IBM are jointly leading, on extending the Standards Information Base to a Building Blocks Information Base, as a repository of information on architecture building blocks, reference models, and architecture patterns.

Bill Estrem presented his latest thoughts on this topic, and there was lively discussion.

Project Update: DODAF/TOGAF Harmonization

The DODAF/TOGAF Synergy project team, under the leadership of Rolf Siegers of Raytheon, has been working to align the TOGAF Architecture Development Method with the products of the DODAF framework, with leading experts from both fields seeking to establish synergy between the two frameworks.

Rolf gave an update on the work of this project team, including plans to complete a detailed mapping between the two frameworks as a White Paper before the next meeting in Miami, July 2006.

Project Update: Management ADM/Collaboration with Enterprise Management Forum

David Jackson of IBM, Chair of the Architecture Forum, gave an overview of this project, in which David and Michael Barrett of Johnson & Johnson will work with the Enterprise Management Forum to develop a White Paper providing guidance on the information that needs to be collected in order to create the Manageability View of the architecture, and the manageability considerations that need to be taken into account in specific ADM phases.

This TOGAF ADM Management White Paper is analogous to the ADM Security White Paper that has recently been published in collaboration with the Security Forum.

Maturing the Enterprise Architecture Process in a Large Corporation

The Architecture Forum received a presentation from Ken Hales of Eskom (South Africa), a recent new customer member of the Forum. 

Eskom had recently undergone an exercise in integrating and harmonizing the disparate architecture disciplines within a number of merged business lines, and Ken gave the Forum the benefit of Eskom's lessons learned from this experience. 

Liaisons Update: COBIT

Stuart Macgregor of Real IRM, who participates in both ISACA/COBIT and TOGAF9 development, is leading the liaison with ISACA to discuss harmonization between COBIT and TOGAF.

Stuart reported that he was doing a detailed mapping between the recently published COBIT4 standards and TOGAF8.1 for the Architecture Forum, and that he had also done a similar map from the COBIT4 structure to TOGAF8.1 for ISACA. Legal agreements between the two organizations still needed to be finalized, and he was aiming to have a draft of the mapping White Paper out in the near future. 

The longer-term aim was to then use that mapping as a basis for incorporating similar links between COBIT4 and TOGAF9; e.g., to link from TOGAF9 to specific COBIT control objectives.

Architecture Forum Academic Chapter

Mike Lambert, Fellow of The Open Group and Lecturer at Reading University, reported that he wanted to set up an academic chapter within the Architecture Forum, with a view to gaining agreement on a common university curriculum for IT Architecture and using TOGAF as a body of knowledge. TOGAF Certification was increasingly becoming a requirement, and university courses were as eligible for certification as any others.

The idea was welcomed by the Forum, but a final decision was deferred pending the outcome of the Forum's discussions on its decision-making processes and new structures.

Liaisons Update: ITIL

Judith Jones, Architecting-the-Enterprise, is liaising with the IT Service Management Forum (itSMF), guardians of the official ITIL documentation, as part of the TOGAF9 development work, and gave a status report.

Members of The Open Group Enterprise Management Forum participated in the discussions.

Aidan Lawes, CEO of itSMF UK & International, had been invited to present at the New York APC to discuss ITIL in July 2005, and Judith had since been invited back to present at ITIL-UK and discuss further. Judith had reached agreement with the itSMF Steering Group, who are guiding the development of the new ITIL materials, to swap terminology definitions.

Project Update: TOGAF8

The Architecture Forum had agreed at its Barcelona meeting to undertake a quality review of the existing TOGAF8.1 documentation. John Spencer, Director of the Architecture Forum, and Judith Jones, Leader of the TOGAF9 development program, jointly gave an update on the TOGAF8.1 review.

88 comments had been submitted to the TOGAF Version 8.1 review by Forum members, and in addition a set of 6 comments on the TOGAF book that had previously been submitted by a non-member were deemed to be within scope and were included in the review. These comments had been reviewed by a review group comprising the team currently working on TOGAF9 development plus any other members of the Forum interested in participating in the review.

Most of the recommendations on the review comments had been successfully balloted prior to the Washington meeting, and at the meeting the Forum agreed the recommended dispositions of all remaining comments.

Project Update: TOGAF9

The Architecture Forum had agreed at its Barcelona meeting that acceptance criteria should be developed for the further development of TOGAF9, together with gating criteria for the submission of the TOGAF9 draft to internal review by the Architecture Forum.

At Washington, further work was done on refining the acceptance and gating criteria, and the Forum agreed that the items mandated at Barcelona had been sufficiently addressed to the point where it was now in order to release the TOGAF9 draft and the acceptance and gating criteria themselves to the Forum at large for internal review.

Additional Items

As usual, there were a number of additional discussion items that were raised on the final day of the meeting:

  • A presentation by Rich Hilliard, Secretary of the IEEE 1471 Architecture Working Group, on the current status of work on the 1471 standard.
  • Further discussion on decision items deferred earlier in the week:
    • Academic Chapter
    • Architecture Marketing: Invitation to all members with an interest to help The Open Group Marketing department in marketing The Open Group's architecture activities and achievements, and the development of marketing support artifacts
    • Architecture Tools: Agreement on a data gathering exercise under the leadership of Thomas Obitz, Primary Customer Council Representative
    • Board Report
    • Customer Council: Customer-focused research in the architecture space
    • Forum Communications
    • Forum Meeting Structure: Parallel versus plenary sessions
    • ITAC: Request for IT customer organizations to reference ITAC when procuring architecture services
    • SOA: The proposals of the SOA-WG for joint SOA-WG/Architecture Forum collaboration
    • TOGAF Certification Renewal
    • TOGAF Product Development Lifecycle: Strawman proposals by Stuart Macgregor of Real IRM, Graham Meaden of Celestial Consulting, and Ken Hales of Eskom (Overview and Strawman Process)

Overall, it was a highly fruitful and successful week.


The objectives of the meeting were fulfilled:

  • The Forum, under the leadership of the Forum officers, workshopped a new set of decision-making processes and Forum structure proposals, for wider Forum review and agreement.
  • Members received updates on all ongoing projects and collaborations with other consortia.
  • The Forum reviewed in detail the results of the work to action the TOGAF mandates at Barcelona, and agreed a way ahead for both TOGAF Version 8.1 and Version 9.

Next Steps

The new proposals for decision-making processes and Forum structures that were workshopped at the Washington meeting will go for internal Forum review and agreement prior to the Miami meeting.

The agreed dispositions of the TOGAF 8.1 review comments will be implemented and an updated Version of TOGAF8.1 will be published both online and in a new edition of the TOGAF8.1 book.

The TOGAF9 Project team will work towards making an updated draft of TOGAF9 available in Q2/2006 for an extended internal review within the Architecture Forum.

The next meeting of the Architecture Forum will be at Miami in July 2006, and will feature the next IT Architecture Practitioners' Conference.


A full report is available to members of the Forum on the Architecture Forum members' web site.

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