Real-Time & Embedded Systems Forum
Objective of Meeting
The objective of this session was to provide members with an overview of the current state of the RT&ES Forum and to use that as a jumping-off point to spur discussion on changes to structure and focus that might make the RT&ES Forum even more effective.
The session started with the presentation that Joe Bergmann, Forum Director, and Glenn Logan provided to The Open Group Board of Directors this week. That was followed by a look at the current structure for the RT&ES Forum and a discussion on what might be a more appropriate structure going forward. The group felt that there was definitely room for simplification and more focus on the major activities, while at the same time keeping some “emerging activities” at least on the radar.
See Links and Next Steps.
Next Steps
The RT&ES Steering Committee meets weekly and will be addressing the restructuring possibilities in the weeks to come – this will involve looking closer into what groups we need, which groups still need designated leads, and what restructuring of the public web sites and the Plato collaborative sites will be required.