These objectives were addressed in four sessions of the meeting.
The first session was on the Security for the Cloud and SOA project. It was held jointly with the SOA Work Group and the Security Forum. It was led by project co-chairs Stuart Boardman of Getronics and Omkhar Arasaratnam of IBM. Omkhar set the context by explaining that security principles will enable us to all share the same understandings on a comprehensive set of security threats and vulnerabilities that we need to address in Cloud Computing and SOA environments. Stuart then steered the meeting through the current draft security principles, which are available to members on the Cloud/SOA Security web site. In an interactive discussion, attendees agreed updates which were captured by Stuart and Omkhar for them to take into the active Work Group members and apply in creating a new draft.
This was followed by a session on Cloud Architecture. Service-orientation is a good basis for Cloud Architecture, and the session was held jointly with the SOA Work Group. It was led by Cloud Work Group co-chairs Mark Skilton of Capgemini and TJ Virdi of Boeing, with the SOA Work Group represented by its co-chair Heather Kreger of IBM. The Cloud Work Group currently has two architecture-related projects: Cloud Computing Architecture (CCA) and Service-Oriented Cloud Computing Infrastructure (SOCCI), the latter being a joint project with the SOA Work Group. The Security for Cloud and SOA project, discussed in the previous session, also has implications for Cloud Architecture. The meeting agreed on the shape of an overall framework for Cloud Architecture, and made a call for contributions of material to populate the framework.
The purpose of the Cloud Work Group Open Meeting was to communicate to interested conference participants what the Work Group is and what it does. This was achieved through a Work Group presentation, which was given jointly by the Work Group and project officers present, and by showing and explaining the Work Group web pages.
The Cloud Computing Work Group Planning session discussed:
- Project co-chair responsibilities and teleconference etiquette
- White Paper submission process
- Review process
- Dual-timezone teleconferences
- Cloud Computing Work Group communications, briefing document, and marketing
The next steps are to develop the Security for the Cloud and SOA project deliverables, starting with the principles as discussed, to develop and populate the Cloud architecture framework, and to implement the agreed plans and procedures.