Real-Time & Embedded Systems Forum
Objective of Meeting
One objective of this meeting was to present some of the current Open Readiness Levels (ORLs) concepts and to discuss what it might take to assure that an architecture can meet the desired OSA attributes.
Another objective was to determine where this work would best fit within the RT&ES Forum and brainstorm on how and at what junctures we should work together effectively going forward.
Gerald Walles, NAVAIR OSA TWH, provided an overview of some of the ORL efforts which included a time-phased approach tool and the time-based dynamically evolving views of OSA maturity. He also covered some of the challenges they face in terms of widespread implementation and market adoption. Additionally, there were thought-provoking brainstorming and facilitation sessions that looked at what their next steps should be and how their efforts could fit within the RT&ES theme particularly in the vein of "open assurance".
A list of questions and suggestions from the “brainstorming” sessions will be assembled and used as input into the next phases of the work.
Next Steps
There will be a web conference session as follow-on to discuss and identify objectives and plans for working more closely within the RT&ES Open Architecture focus area.