The Open Group Trusted Technology Forum
(Open Session)
Objective of Meeting
One objective was to allow conference participants to learn about The Open Group’s newest forum, The Open Group Trusted Technology Forum (OTTF), which was officially launched through a Press Release on December 15, 2010 and has grown to include the following member companies: Atsec, Boeing, Carnegie Mellon SEI, CA Technologies, Cisco Systems, EMC, Hewlett-Packard, IBM, IDA, Kingdee, Microsoft, MITRE, NASA, Oracle, OUSD (AT&L) and the US Department of Defense (DoD).
The ultimate objective was to have participants walk away with a better appreciation for the globally responsible vision and mission of the OTTF and to join with the OTTF in progressing this valuable work.
Vision: We are a global consortium established to support the adoption of best practices for secure technology engineering and procurement strategies in order to develop a more trustworthy global technology supply chain.
Mission: The Trusted Technology Forum is an open, vendor-neutral initiative that formulates and supports the use of a global framework, guidelines, procurement strategies and related resources that can:
Help the technology industry “build with integrity”
Enable customers to “buy with confidence”
Support global innovation
The session was lead by Andras Szakal, Chair of the OTTF. The meeting started with self-introductions from the 27 participants.
Andras provided an overview of the Trusted Technology Forum including: the background, the industry needs and challenges around identifying best practices in the areas of engineering development methodology, secure development methodology, supply chain integrity, and validation.
He also discussed the structure of the TTPF and the various committees: steering, global outreach, and marketing committees and the three work streams: the trusted technology provider framework, acquisition, and standards harmonization work streams and the role and importance of each group in carrying out the mission of the OTTF.
An overview of the Open Trusted Technology Provider Framework (O-TTPF) was provided and the O-TTPF White Paper, approved last week for publication, was distributed. The White Paper identifies the business drivers for a globally recognized solution, the best practices and attributes for each of the four best practice categories, and the envisioned O-TTPF accreditation program.
Participants came away with a better understanding of the vision and mission of the OTTF and a better appreciation for the relevance of supply chain best practices within their own companies and throughout today’s global marketplace.
Next Steps
Those who are members will be evolving the White Paper to an approved specification of best practices, defining conformance criteria for the best practices, and designing a globally recognized accreditation program through The Open Group.
Next steps for those who are interested in participating and are entitled to OTTF membership, but are not yet part of the Forum, should contact Sally Long (, the Forum Director of the OTTF, for participation details.
Next steps for those who are not yet members of the OTTF and would like to learn more about membership should contact Mike Hickey (