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Real-Time & Embedded Systems Forum
Extending TOGAF (First Morning Joint Session)

Objective of Meeting

The objective of the Thursday morning sessions was to engage with multiple Forums to understand what they would like the Architecture Forum to consider when looking at their domain-specific architectures and to find a way forward that would make it easier for other domains (security, high-assurance, real-time and embedded systems platforms, and service–oriented domains) to utilize TOGAF more efficiently.


The first morning session offered presentations from each of the Forums on how they were currently working with the Architecture Forum to evolve TOGAF for their specific domains. The presentations also highlighted any issues with the current process for getting their domain-specific requirements into TOGAF.

The RT&ES-TOGAF presentation given by Ed Roberts, from Elparazim, highlighted the fact that high-assurance environments and architects have additional requirements that go beyond the requirements for enterprise architects.  He emphasized that while the existing elements of ADM are relevant to high-assurance architects, there are others that are specific to this domain and are not explicitly accounted for in TOGAF.

The Security-TOGAF presentation given by Mike Jerbic, emphasized the importance of recognizing that although architecture is typically based on the intended functionality of a system, there are the unintentional aspects, the variances in high-assurance elements such as: security, reliability, performance, etc. which he referred to as the Uncertainty characteristic of a system, that are equally important to consider and manage.

The SOA Work Group, represented by Tony Carrato, noted that the SOA Work Group has been working to extend TOGAF to their services domain by creating an SOA Guide, in which the SOA Work Group documents additional requirements by systematically revisiting each phase of the ADM to determine what elements must be augmented (e.g., inputs added, outputs added, steps and artifacts refined, etc.) and then documenting those in the Guide.


This session was informational.

Next Steps

The next steps were taken up in the second morning session, which was a facilitated session to solicit thoughts and observations regarding this first session.


See above.

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