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All Members Meeting (Members Councils)

Objective of Meeting

All members of The Open Group are members of either the Customer Council or the Supplier Council (the "Members Councils").

In our all-members' meetings, the Customer Council and Supplier Council join together to involve all members of The Open Group in sharing issues and concerns that are of common interest - across all Forums and Working Groups.

In this Conference, the Members Councils sponsored a series of short (5-7 minutes) "spotlight" interludes for each Forum and Working Group in The Open Group, in which the Chair (or other nominee) of several Open Group Forums and Working Groups was invited to respond to five standard questions which enabled them to describe the value-add of their Forum/Working Group, and also to give a glimpse of their Roadmap as defined by the Members Councils.

The Members Councils also arranged a Members Lunch on Tuesday January 29, in which an officer of the Council explained the value-add that these Roadmaps provide to members.


Following up from the previous Conference in Budapest (October 2007), during the plenary sessions the Members Councils sponsored a series of short (5-7 minutes) "Forum/Working Group in the spotlight" interludes, similar to that performed in the Budapest Conference plenary by Chris Forde (Chair of the Architecture Forum) and Allen Brown (President & CEO of The Open Group). In each spotlight interlude, a member-representative or Chair of the following Forums and Working Groups responded to five standard questions, including giving a glimpse of their Councils-style Roadmap, and encouraged members to go to the Members Councils web site to find out more and get involved:

Monday January 28  (Moderator: Ben Calloni)

  • Service Oriented Architecture Working Group, Tony Carrato & Matts Gejnevall
Tuesday January 29 (Moderator: Chris Greenslade)
  • Business Architecture Working Group, Dave van Gelder
  • Architecture Forum, Chris Forde
  • Adaptive Business Solutions Work Group, Allen Brown
  • Semantic Interoperability Working Group  (including UDEF), Arnold van Overeem & Ron Schuldt
Wednesday January 30 (Moderator: Ron Schuldt)
  • Security & Identity Management Forum, Mike Jerbic
  • Platform, Nick Stoughton
  • Real-Time & Embedded Systems Forum, Joe Bergmann

The standard questions, which were projected to avoid repetition in each short "spotlight", were:

  • Q1: To set some context, what are the objectives of your Forum [Working Group], and why/how does it add value?
  • Q2: What are the main issues the Forum [Working Group] is working on currently?
  • Q3: Over the past year, what stands out in your estimation as the most valuable experience or deliverable for your members?
  • Q4: What are the things that you would most like to see come out of the Forum [Working Group] in 2008?
  • Q5: How do you see your Roadmap for 2008, starting from this San Francisco meeting?

The roadmaps on the Members Councils web site are available only to members. Roadmaps were presented by the UDEF Working Group, the Semantic Interoperability Working Group, the Architecture Forum, the Platform Forum, and the Security & Identity Management Forum. The other Forums/Working Groups are due to deliver their Roadmaps.

We also held a Members' Lunch on Tuesday January 29, where Chris Greenslade (Chair of the Supplier Council) gave a short presentation explaining:

  • The role of the Councils, and their charters
  • Current progress with creating the Roadmaps for each Forum and Working Group
  • The need for some Forums/Working Groups to create and/or complete their Roadmaps
  • The value these Roadmaps represent to every member
  • Summary of who's who as elected member-representatives on the Governing Board and in the Customer and Supplier Councils


All objectives as specified in the agenda.

Next Steps

Follow-up with Forum/Working Group leaders to ensure Roadmaps are completed and/or created and available to all members from the Members Councils web site.


See above.

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