Semantic Interoperability Working Group

Objective of Meeting

The aims of the meeting were to review existing Open Group work on Semantic Interoperability, to discuss the role of semantics in enterprise architecture, and to plan how the Working Group should move forward.


The Working Group was formed following the Semantic Interoperability conference in Houston, and is a focus for interest in semantic interoperability generally within The Open Group. In addition to the Working Group, The Open Group includes the UDEF Forum, which works to develop and promote the Universal Data Element Framework, a particular semantic interoperability mechanism.

Semantic interoperability is not yet a "hot" topic within The Open Group, but there is a small core of experts that are convinced of its importance.

There are two specific areas where The Open Group can potentially contribute:

  • Developing the application of semantic technology to enterprise IT architecture

    Work is needed to develop methods and tools for semantic modeling, which can play an important role in the architecture development process.

  • Increasing understanding of semantics by enterprise IT architects

    There is a lack of understanding - perhaps even suspicion - of semantics among practicing enterprise IT architects. This restricts the extent to which semantic issues are addressed, and results in architectures that are less effective than they should be. As the consortium that is very representative of the practicing IT architect, and the home of the TOGAF methodology, The Open Group is in a prime position to bridge this communications gap.


This report is the only output of the meeting.

Next Steps

Although time is short, the group will if possible arrange for a Semantic Interoperability module at The Open Group conference in Washington, DC in April, to increase understanding of semantics and to explore the application of semantic technology to enterprise IT architecture.


The Semantic Interoperability Working Group.

Position paper: Semantic Interoperability and The Open Group.

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