Carl Bunje (Boeing, and Chair of the Customer Council) welcomed attendees to this
meeting, outlined the agenda, and introduced the speakers in turn.
Service Oriented Architectures
Tony Carrato (IBM Australia) presented an update (see slides)
on the progress in the SOA WG, covering its background and steering committee, its
mission, and its proposed set of deliverables, which include an agreed definition of SOA,
case studies of the business benefits of SOA, and an evaluation of what unique
value The
Open group can add to the evolution of SOA. With increasing interest and participation
they look forward to making substantial progress over the next three months. The
web page at gives more
Semantic Interoperability WG
Chris Harding (The Open Group) presented an update (see slides)
on developments in the SI WG, reminding members of its proposed objectives to support
enterprise architects and business managers, its web page and email list, and outlining
the anticipated progress in this Barcelona meeting, including SI as a stream on Wednesday
in the Architecture Practitioners Conference, and the SI WG meeting on Thursday. The
page at
gives more information.
Homeland Security WG
Ian Dobson (The Open Group) reported (see slides) that
expected progress in developing wider participation among state and federal government in
Australia had slowed due to a variety of factors, and the three core members we expected to
join the leading member (New South Wales Police) have not yet joined. We expect these
other core members to join in the next three months. A planned workshop on
January 15 was
postponed, adding to the delays in establishing the support we still anticipate will
gather behind this WG. The web page at
gives more information.
Planning for Conferences in 2007
On behalf of The Open Group's Conference Management team, Carl Bunje presented a
summary (see slides) of the proposed dates for our
four conferences in 2007, and suggested locations for each. The Conference
Management team
requests members' feedback on these proposed dates - particularly if they see undesirable
clashes with other events - and preferred locations. A Survey Form was distributed to
members, inviting them to return their feedback.
Election for Member Representatives on the Governing Board
Chris Greenslade (Frietuna, and Chair of the Supplier Council) explained that the period of
tenure for the four existing Member-Governors on The Open Group's Governing Board expires in
July 2006, so the Councils will be conducting an election for three Customer-Governors and
one Supplier-Governor, to serve on the Board for two years from July 2006. Chris gave a short
presentation on the governance of The Open Group, mentioning responsibilities of
governors, structure of the Board and The Open Group, the timeframe for nominations,
voting, declaration of results, and appointment in July 2006. He concluded with a
set of reasons why members should consider serving on the Board as representatives of the
membership as a whole, and encouraged members to come forward as candidates.