Update/Election of Officers
John Spencer, Director of the Architecture Forum, gave an update on the Forum, in which
he announced the election of the officers of the Forum for 2004:
- Chair:
- Chris Greenslade, Frietuna Computer Consultants (UK)
- Vice Chairs:
- David Jackson, IBM (USA)
- Ian McCall, IBM (UK)
- Vish Viswanathan, CC & C Solutions (Australia)
- Representative to the Customer Council:
IT Architect Profession
David Jackson of IBM reviewed the status of this project, which represents one of the
three core elements of the Architecture Forum's overall vision and strategy (an effective
IT Architecture framework, an effective IT Architecture discipline, effective IT
Architecture tools).
The project aims to develop a definition of IT Architect roles, skills, and experience,
and a supporting Certification Program, in collaboration with other key consortia and
standards bodies.
TOGAF and Common System Architectures
On behalf of Ian McCall of IBM, the European Vice-Chair of the Architecture Forum,
David Jackson presented current thoughts on moving towards a practical realization of the
TOGAF Enterprise Continuum concept, by identifying and defining suitable common
system architectures.
Proposal for a New Type of Architecture Forum Membership
Paul Hickey of The Open Group presented a proposal aimed at promulgating TOGAF and the
work of the Architecture Forum, namely the provision of a personal-level memebrhsip of the
Archictetrue Forum.
TOGAF Evolution Strategy
Chris Greenslade of Frietuna Consultants, and Chair of the Architecture Forum,
presented proposals for a long-term lifecycle strategy for TOGAF and the work of the
Architecture Forum.
TOGAF9 ADM Workshop
Judith Jones, of Architecting-The-Enterprise Limited, led a half-day workshop building
on the output of a similar workshop at the Washington Member Meeting in October 2003, and
also taking on board the input from the Architecture Briefing the previous day.