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The Open Group in Austin 2003 - The Hill Country

The Open Group in Austin 2003 - The Hill Country
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26-Apr-2003 11:53
Enchanted Rock, TX
A circling buzzard
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26-Apr-2003 11:53
Enchanted Rock, TX
A circling buzzard
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26-Apr-2003 11:55
Enchanted Rock, TX
Nearing the top
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26-Apr-2003 11:55
Enchanted Rock, TX
Nearing the top
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26-Apr-2003 11:58
Enchanted Rock, TX
Nearing the top
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26-Apr-2003 11:59
Enchanted Rock, TX
A rather bare tree at the summit
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26-Apr-2003 12:00
Enchanted Rock, TX
Plant life at the summit
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26-Apr-2003 12:01
Enchanted Rock, TX
Rocks just below the summit .. a bear?
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26-Apr-2003 12:02
Enchanted Rock, TX
Rocks just below the summit .. a bear?
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