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Tuesday 23rd October - The Open Forum

Tuesday 23rd October - The Open Forum
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23-Oct-2001 16:19 - Amsterdam - Skip Slone
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23-Oct-2001 16:26 - Amsterdam - Martin Kirk - Martin Kirk (The Open Group) said that the Enterprise Management Forum is pleased that the feedback from customers is that the Pegasus work fills their needs for an information systems manageability infrastructure. Pegasus is an open source implementation of the WBEM standards, providing a standard open implementation of a manageability infrastructure. It is available from the EMF Web site. WBEM was developed by the DMTF. It does not yet include APIs. Both The Open Group and the DMTF are collaborating to grow and extend WBEM and the Pegasus manageability solution, to promote widest possible acceptance.

The essential components of Pegasus are an object manager and a management information repository, with information conveyed in a Common Information Model (CIM). CIM clients and CIM providers connect to the object manager, which uses CIM schemas to enable all CIM Clients to share manageability information contributed by all CIM Providers.
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23-Oct-2001 16:26 - Amsterdam - Martin Kirk - Current status of the Pegasus project is that release 1.1 will be issued in the next few weeks. The latest hot news is that the Storage Network industries Association (SNIA) has joined with this open source project, providing even more synergy for the manageability industry. Future developments are planned through 2002, which will: 

enhance security, 
provide more useful indications, 
increase modularity to facilitate more scalable deployment, 
integrate with the SNIA CIMOM, 
develop standard providers and provider interfaces, 
develop the associated family of industry standards.
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23-Oct-2001 16:26 - Amsterdam - Martin Kirk
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23-Oct-2001 16:26 - Amsterdam - Martin Kirk
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23-Oct-2001 16:53 - Amsterdam - Skip Slone - Skip Slone (Lockheed Martin) explained that over the past 18 months the Customer Council has received several requirements that had interoperability as their core requirement, so it decided to use the business scenario approach to understand and scope this very big problem space and identify common requirements. The business problem was focused on
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23-Oct-2001 16:53 - Amsterdam - Skip Slone - Skip concluded that doing this business scenario has to date been an excellent exercise. We look forward to members support to use it, and more importantly to seeing solutions emerge that solve the specific interoperability problems it has identified.

Toni Wuersch (SIAC) said he is a little disappointed in the existing document because in includes nothing about compromises between the different stakeholders - he believes compromises will be necessary to enable it to be used. Skip acknowledged that this represents very relevant feedback which he will ensure is taken back into the customer council owner-authors of the document.

The meeting approved adoption of this business scenario on The Interoperable Enterprise. It was agreed that the resulting document will be made available from the members-only Web page of the Customer Council.
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23-Oct-2001 16:53 - Amsterdam - Skip Slone
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23-Oct-2001 17:10 - Amsterdam - Carl Bunje - Carl Bunje (Boeing) noted that customer members of The Open Group have been closely involved in 4 business scenarios, and this demonstrates the high interest they have and the high value these business scenarios represent to the information systems user community. Business scenarios to date include: 

Executive on the Move scenario - DIF and MMF (Ed Harrington, Chris Harding) 
End-to-end QoS scenario - QoS (Sally Long) 
The Interoperable Enterprise - Customer Council (Skip Slone) 
PKI management scenario - DIF (Chris Harding) 
He encouraged the consumer community to use the collective voice of the Customer Council to reinforce their requirements and to lobby the supplier community for common solutions to meet their needs.
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23-Oct-2001 17:10 - Amsterdam - Carl Bunje
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23-Oct-2001 17:10 - Amsterdam - Carl Bunje
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