Marc Fiammante is an IBM Distinguished Engineer, world wide chief architect of the SOA engagements delivered by the SOA Advanced Technology field architect team.
Marc, who was elected to the IBM Academy of Technology in 2003, has over a twenty year background in telecommunications & IT, with wide experience in large project architecture and software development on multiple environments. He filed several software domain patents and published several articles related to IT technologies. He leads architecture teams in major industries projects. He is a subject matter expert on industry standards for SOA.
He has architectural and technical expertise with SOA, Web Services, Enterprise Application Integration,
e-business and Object Oriented technologies, including number of software middlewares, programming languages and standards: WebSphere Application Server, Web Services, DB/2, EAI, legacy integration, Java, J2EE, C, C++.
He is a co-author of the Service-Oriented Architecture Compass book ISBN: 0131870025
Marc is an Engineer of the Ecole Centrale de Paris.
Streamlining the Enterprise Architecture using industry business standards
Enterprise Architecture is often perceived as complex and lengthy approach. There is a need for an accelerated path that covers the business, applications, information and infrastructure. Standards like APQC, TMF's eTOM, TAM ,SID, OAGIS, CIM provided means to accelerate the modeling. Combined with focused approaches using "horizon based modeling" that incorporate a notion of distance to, "staged zooming" that drills the business decompositions with selective modling at each layer and variability, the Enteprise Architecture approach can be made efficient. This presentation will introduce these approaches and show some elements of variability modeling.
to program