Secure Architectures
The Open Group Conference in Munich will open with a plenary day focussing upon how different aspects of Security Architecture all contribute vital roles in delivering safe and secure enterprise architectures. We need these architectures to deliver effective information security infrastructures that will match continually increasing business demands for secure IT operations in our open, Internet-driven, globally networked world.
Presentation topics include:
- Security architecture
- IT risk management issues
- SOA security issues
- Web 2.0 security issues
- De-perimeterization
- Information or data-centric security
- IT security professional development issues
- Security standards
- Security management, metrics, and return on security investment
- Trust models
Enterprise Architecture
- Business architecture
- TOGAF™ and EA case studies (focus on security)
- EA professional development
- Women in EA
- EA development
- SOA governance
- Semantics for SOA
- SOA in EA
- SOA deployment
About the Open Group:
The Open Group is a vendor-neutral and technology-neutral consortium, whose vision of Boundaryless Information Flow™ will enable access to integrated information, within and among enterprises, based on open standards and global interoperability.

The plenary will be folowed by parallel tracks that will cover key security challenges, illustrated with case studies:
- the role of the Security Architect and information technologists in creating enterprise architectures within a governance team that also includes business policy makers, corporate legal, corporate policy, risk management, auditor, and business management stakeholders - to balance competing demands in ways which achieve the overall business goals.
- the adoption of SCA architectures in the enterprise, the use of Web 2.0 technologies and applications in the neterprise, and the impact of both of tese developments on security architectures.
- the results of Open Group market research on important IT security issues, providing insight into the most pressing areas of need in terms of guidance, best practices, and standards development in the area of security.