The conference will address the need to closely align the practice of enterprise architecture with the requirements of business decision-making at an executive level.Ultimately, the goal is to help EA professionals to create business-appropriate enterprise architectures that can make a significant contribution to the business strategy and, in doing so, ensure the sustainability of their EA practices.
As EA evolves, it must leave its technology roots to become as much a part of the business as finance, operations or marketing. A key enabler of this shift in focus is the need to change the language of EA, from “techie” jargon to a much more business-oriented language that relates directly to the organization’s main business functions.
The conference will explore a future in which enterprise architects engage in meaningful dialogue in the Board Room as a matter of course, and in which EA is a key enabler of corporate decision-making.
Sponsorship / Exhibiting
For further information about being an exhibitor or a sponsor, or to discuss packages, please send us an email and a representative from The Open Group will contact you.

The conference is free! But you must register ahead of the event ... and there is a charge for attending our 3-hour workshops. Details here