IT Architecture Practitioners Conference - Johannesburg 2008 The open Group Real IRM
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  Rudi Leibbrandt, Practice Manager, Information Management Division, Sybase SA    

Rudi LeibbrandtRudi Leibbrandt, Practice Manager for Sybase SA’s Information Management Division, has been invested in IT SA for more than 10 years. His early experience includes help desk operations, IT project management, programme management as well as software and solution development.

Since joining Sybase SA in 2004, Rudi has been strategic in developing the company’s information management services portfolio, specifically expert skills and capacity development. In addition, he works very closely with customers to ensure that their mission critical business information is always up to date, reliable and secure.

“Information is the absolute lifeline of any business. As a result, the flow of information within any organization must be driven by the strategic business objectives of that company and never the other way round.”


Aligning Business & IT with Capability Management
CIOs have already executed their emergency cost reduction measures and have plans in place for further savings in the immediate future.

Currently, they’re setting their sights on life after the economic crisis and are eager to prepare their organizations for acceleration out of the downturn.

They also realize that now more than ever, business and finance management will be challenging IT to prove the value and sustainability of its actions and investments.

Business Capabilities are an approach to viewing and assessing the enterprise based on business activities – independent of specific existing workflows and organizational silos. Capabilities provide a simple basis for a common view of the business and its supporting IT so that a meaningful dialog can be initiated that will move all involved parties – IT, Business and Finance – towards a common understanding of what needs to be done to advance the enterprise in a cost-efficient manner.

During this presentation, we will explore how Business Capabilities can help IT to:

  • find flex points in the business model for adjusting vendor support in volatile times;
  • focus IT investment on capabilities critical to business success;
  • save on operating costs by tuning SLAs to real business requirements;
  • articulate strategic intentions and objectives in an action-oriented context

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