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  Stéphane Gagnon, Assistant Professor, New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT).    

Stephane Gagnon Dr. Stéphane Gagnon is an Assistant Professor at the New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT). He is jointly appointed with the School of Management and the College of Computing Sciences in the Department of Information Systems.

His research is focused on developing new decision models for business adopters sourcing applications through the Service Oriented Architecture (SOA). He also carries out comparative case studies to identify best practices in Business Process Management (BPM) and the Model Driven Architecture (MDA), and how their combination with the SOA are radically changing application development and process integration.

His academic service includes co-chairing the International Workshop on Business Services Networks (BSN). He is also co-chairing the Academic, SOA, NYC Chapter, and MDA-TOGAF committees of the Integration Consortium, the leading user-driven association of SOA professionals.

TUTORIAL — SOA7: Integrating the SOA with 7 Enterprise IT Best Practices
The Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) provides a rich development environment to perform NJIT-School of Management, e-business laboratoryinformation, application, process, and infrastructure integration, and develop applications more rapidly by reusing existing software assets. As such, the SOA can inherit and build upon the tools and methods of related approaches to integration and software engineering.

We propose a new model called "SOA7" for the Service-Oriented Development of Applications (SODA), integrating 7 key enterprise IT practices and standards into a coherent methodology and toolbox to develop Service Oriented Business Applications (SOBA).

We relate the SOA to such technologies as Enterprise Architecture (EA), Business Process Management (BPM), Model Driven Architecture (MDA), Event Driven Architecture (EDA), Semantic Web, Grid Computing, and Business Services Networks (BSN).

We conclude with an outline of "SOA7" as a set of SODA capabilities, blending the tools and methods of these enterprise technologies with those of the SOA.


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