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Michael Brown, MD

CIO, Harvard University Health Services

Michael BrownMichael is the Chief Information Officer at Harvard University Health Services where he oversees the university health service information system department. Currently, HUHS is completing a transition to a paperless medical record system and restructuring all of its system to meet future needs.

Harvard Unioversity Health ServicesMichael graduated with B.S. in Natural Sciences from the Johns Hopkins University. He has both a M.S. (Cell Biology) and an M.D. degree from New York University. He completed his internship in Internal Medicine at Scripps Clinic in San Diego, and performed two year research fellowship at the Scripps Research Institute. He is a member of Phi Beta Kappa.

Michael, his wife, and daughter live on the Harvard campus in Cambridge, M.A.


Establishing an Enterprise Information Strategy

Harvard University Health Services (HUHS) is the provider of health care for faculty, staff, students, and retires or Harvard University.

As the care provider for our patients, HUHS wants to ensure the wellbeing of our patients even for care that is provided outside of our organization. Increasingly, the organization finds that commutating with other business partners is more and more critical to our patient care. HUHS is therefore making major effort to improve its methods for enterprise information management. Unfortunately, for the foreseeable future, HUHS expects to have to adjust to diverse methods of collecting information and making this information available to those who need it.

This talk presents a high level overview of what HUHS expects and the advantages and disadvantages of these approaches.

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