Member, alfabet AG, Germany
Bonn is a board member of alfabet AG, a leading solution
provider for IT lifecycle management. Based on architectural
transparency, alfabet´s software
helps clients to optimize their IT planning efforts
to increase efficiency, effectiveness and support
of business processes and services.
He joined alfabet
in 2001 after 12 years consulting practice in several
companies. Besides working for Andersen Consulting
(now Accenture) and Diebold (now Detecon), Juergen
was a partner with Deloitte Consulting responsible
for the IT strategy practice as well as utility
industry in Germany.
His area of consulting expertise
covers top IT management issues such as IT benchmarking,
strategic sourcing, IT governance and strategic
alignment of corporate IT service providers across
all industries.
Architecture-Driven IT Planning
- from demand to budget
A typical ITO today struggles with several silo solutions
to tackle challenges such as meeting the business and regulatory
needs, reducing the application backlog and transforming
IT services to become more competitive.
While Portfolio Management tools and techniques are beneficial
to meet business requirements and prioritize investments,
they cannot ensure regulatory compliance and do not support
transformation of IT operations because they fail to consider
the architectural dependencies of IT transformation initiatives.
Enterprise architecture tools, on the other hand, are primarily
used to document and publish a comprehensive view of the
as-is and target landscape. The dependencies, costs, and
disruptions they reveal and analyze are rarely considered
outside the technical arena, and as a result are not considered
in the investment planning process nor measured against corporate
alfabet’s PlanningIT ® has recently been identified
by Forester as the next generation of software, which combines
both disciplines. This presentation shows how alfabet’s
software helps ensure that architecture-driven IT planning
from demand to budget is an integrated and efficient process,
aligned with business goals at all levels of the organization.
to program